
HR investment group Pyramid takes a stake in ORMIT

04 Oct 2018
Ghent, 3 October 2018. Pyramid NV, the HR investment group behind Pauwels Consulting, is today taking a 75 % stake in ORMIT, the Dutch HR company specialising in traineeships and leadership development.

The remaining 25 % of the shares will remain in the hands of ORMIT management. Thanks to this investment, the Belgian consultancy company Pauwels Consulting and ORMIT are now part of the same HR investment group.

“The external shareholders of ORMIT wanted to sell their shares”, says Hetty van Ee, managing director of the ORMIT group. “As a result, we went on a search for a new shareholder who shares our vision, values ​​and growth ambitions. In recent years, ORMIT has set up and implemented increasing numbers of special traineeships at some great companies in both the Netherlands and Belgium. Thanks to our ability to attract talent from the labor market, we offer our clients access to prime (international) candidates. We want to expand even further, so we were looking for a party that could support this ambition. We decided that Pyramid NV, the HR investment group led by 3D-Investments and Bert Pauwels, was the best option.”

The Belgian consultancy company Pauwels Consulting and ORMIT are now part of the same HR investment group

“3D-Investments is a Belgian investment company that invests in companies with strong growth potential. The focus at 3D-Investments is always in the long term and on doing fair and transparent business. Bert Pauwels is the founder and managing director of Pauwels Consulting, the Belgian consultancy company with more than 520 consultants in the areas of engineering, life sciences and IT. Both parties showed a strong and sincere interest in ORMIT’s posture and concept right from the outset.”

“We are delighted with this new collaboration”, says Hans Swinnen, chairman of the board of directors at Pyramid NV and partner at 3D-Investments. “Since the beginning of our collaboration with Pauwels Consulting in 2016, we have already realized three acquisitions, alongside impressive organic growth. We are delighted with this opportunity to now also contribute to the further growth of the ORMIT group.”

“We will make sure that Pauwels Consulting and ORMIT each retain their own identity. Both companies have defined their destiny over the last two decades and built up a strong reputation. That is something we want to respect, although I think that this collaboration can create a natural cross-fertilization between both companies.”Pauwels Consulting currently has more than 520 employees on board, while the ORMIT team has over 230 employees and more than 1,600 alumni who have been developed by ORMIT. “The services provided by ORMIT and Pauwels Consulting are perfectly complementary”, says Bert Pauwels, founder and managing director of Pauwels Consulting. “ORMIT identifies young prime talent and develops their soft skills and leadership qualities during an intensive two-year growth trajectory involving various projects at different clients. Then they match their high potentials to the clients who best suit them and where they can bring the most benefits.”

“At Pauwels Consulting, we mainly focus on project sourcing and HR solutions, such as business process outsourcing, for companies looking for specific engineering, life sciences or IT expertise and skills. We also consciously invest in the training and coaching of our people. We can definitely learn something from the professionals at ORMIT on further perfecting this coaching.” “This share transfer will put us in a position to continue to grow ORMIT as an independent company, with our current enthusiastic people on board and from a perspective of the values ​​that are important to us”, says Hetty van Ee. “Our vision, ambition and plans remain unchanged. We will continue to find, develop and connect (and bind) prime talent to our participants and look forward to realizing our further growth plans with the help of Pyramid NV!”

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Dr Veerle Deblauwe publishes article on patent search

19 Sep 2018
When one of our colleagues does something special, all of us at Pauwels Consulting are proud. Dr Veerle Deblauwe, an expert in patent search, recently published an article following the Search Matters conference in The Hague. So, high time for a chat with this special woman, to find out who she is and what she does. Welcome to the wonderful world of patent search.
Veerle, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Veerle: My name is Veerle Deblauwe. I’ve been researching and analysing patents and other scientific information, something known as patent search, for more than fifteen years. In addition, I’m a member of the Belgian Patent Information User Group and the Werkgroep Octrooien Nederland.

Mainly, my experience has been with patents and scientific research for the polymer chemical industry, the construction industry (such as roof tiles, slates, plasterboard panels and fibre cement cladding) and the pharmaceutical industry. I’ve been working as a consultant at Johnson & Johnson for five years, the last year of which was via Pauwels Consulting.

You must have an extensive academic background, presumably?

Veerle: I studied at the University of Leuven, where I completed both a master’s degree and a doctorate in organic and macromolecular chemistry.

Can you explain to the layman what patent search is?

Veerle: A patent describes an invention in detail and grants the owner the exclusive right to produce and market this invention. In essence, patent search means checking if a patent has already been published for a specific invention.

It’s an important discipline because a patent is only granted for truly new or innovative inventions. With every new product or process, a check also has to be carried out to verify that there is no infringement of existing patents belonging to others. In jargon, this is called a ‘freedom to operate search’.

In addition to a number of other sources, I mainly search in patent literature, the collection of patent documents. That is a major challenge, as you have to know your way around existing databases very well. That’s not a simple job, because they are constantly evolving, and you really have to keep your eye on the ball.

Can you tell us more about your current job?

Veerle: I work permanently for Johnson & Johnson worldwide, for scientists, researchers and patent attorneys. I work in a small team of two, the chemical patent searchers, which only consists of colleague George Chiu from the United States and myself.

It’s very important for us to complete our assignments within deadlines with a critical attitude and scientific curiosity. At the same time, however, we have to be flexible enough to deal with urgent requests that arise in the meantime and need to be handled quickly.

Is it true that an article of yours was published recently?

Veerle: Yes. On 23 to 25 April 2018, the Search Matters conference returned to The Hague. This international conference is organised every year, alternating between The Hague and Munich. It was organised by the European Patent Office, which appointed Sofia Pires of the University of Alicante and me as rapporteurs. The result appeared in the September edition of World Patent Information, a magazine specialising in my field of work.

It was fascinating to be able to attend the conference from this perspective. By the way, I’ll also be attending the Patent Information Conference in Brussels in November, another conference organised by the European Patent Office.

Is it possible to combine these conference visits with your current tasks at Johnson & Johnson?

Veerle: Yes, no problem at all. After all, these conferences are relatively short. At Search Matters, for example, I was only present for two days.

Obviously, I have to check my e-mails in the evening and I have to do a bit of extra work before and afterward. And if I know in advance that something important is coming up, I let the right people know in advance that it will be difficult to contact me.

Great to hear that you can combine all these things, Veerle. Congratulations once again on your publication and thanks for the interesting interview!

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Koen and Tijs climbed Mont Blanc: the 4,810-metres high ‘roof of Europe’

21 Aug 2018
At Pauwels Consulting, we attach great importance to 'healthy minds in healthy bodies'. Lots of our colleagues are very active when it comes to sport, taking part in activities such as fun running events, cycling events and other physical sports activities, both individually and as part of a team. Recently, our colleagues Koen De Borle, recruitment consultant at Pauwels Consulting, and Tijs Billemon, IT director and business coach, climbed to the summit of Mont Blanc (4,810 metres high to be precise). An incredible achievement!

We chatted with Tijs and Koen about the preparations for this extreme sporting challenge and their experiences during this exciting climb.

koen & tijs climbed mont blanc

Hi Koen, hi Tijs, where did the idea of climbing Mont Blanc come from?

Koen: Mountains have been in our blood for a long time. When we were little, we both went to the Alps with our parents during the summer holidays. We love mountains because of the nature, tranquillity, landscape, hospitality and range of sports opportunities available.

Tijs: That’s very true. When we’re on holiday, we like a bit of action and adventure. Mont Blanc is a popular mountain among alpinists, of course. Justifiably, because it’s such a beautiful environment for mountaineering enthusiasts.

Koen: We came up with the idea of climbing Mont Blanc last summer. We were looking for a new challenge and literally wanted to go higher than we had ever gone before.

We did some research and came across the Dutch Mountain Network and experienced mountain guide Jelle Staleman. They offer guided and organised excursions, both in Europe and beyond. We didn’t take long to take the plunge and decided to register for the Mont Blanc Summit climb.

Nice! Did you already have some climbing experience?

Koen: A few years ago, Tijs and I took part in an Alpine Tour in the Austrian Ötztal. During that five-day trip, we climbed one summit each day, culminating in the Wildspitze, which is the highest summit in Tyrol at 3,774 metres. That is where we acquired extensive experience with mountain life, glacier walking, rock climbing and the most common rope techniques.

Who did you climb Mont Blanc with? Just the two of you or a larger group?

Tijs: We did the expedition as a group of four friends. We’ve known each other for a long time and we also participated in the previous Alpine Tour together, so knew that we could trust each other. Two more Dutch people joined our group via Mountain Network, so there were six of us all together.

“If everything goes well, anyone who wants to could climb that mountain in principle. However, if anything goes wrong, experience and insight are crucial.”

Mont Blanc challenge
How was the guidance during your adventure?

Koen: Well, we explicitly decided to do this climb with expert guidance and later we discovered that we’d made the right decision. The programme consisted of a preparation process, during which we practised ice and rock climbing and glacier walking on the spot.

For the first few days, we were accompanied by two local guides and for the ascent to the summit, we had one on two guidance. In addition to physical and technical preparations, the guides also prepared us psychologically. The thing is, lots of climbers want to reach the summit at all costs, but experienced guides can point out the dangers, special circumstances or dramatic experiences that sometimes make it impossible to reach the top.

For this alone, it’s essential to seek guidance when you take on such a challenge. If everything goes well, anyone who wants to could climb that mountain in principle. However, if anything goes wrong, experience and insight are crucial. If they then decide it’s better not to continue, you should trust them. Or lose your life.

What preparations did you make?

Tijs: Obviously, we left nothing to chance for this expedition. We regularly went on long bike rides or walking exercises in order to improve our basic condition and endurance. A climb of this nature also requires special material, such as specific clothing and shoes for Alpine areas.

The organisation also provided most of the technical equipment: climbing harnesses, helmets, snap hooks, ropes, ice picks and crampons. When selecting material, it’s important to only take what is strictly necessary to climb the mountain. Before you know it, the backpack weighs 8 to 12 kg. The more material and clothing you take with you, the more difficult the climb becomes…

Koen: We also participated in the introductory day in the climbing hall in Nieuwegein (the Netherlands), which was organised by Mountain Network. In addition to practical information and an introduction to other participants, we got to grips with wall and rock climbing. Balance and stability are essential, so one of the things they did was to get us to climb the wall blindfolded. That way you really learn to put your feet carefully and are constantly trying to get in the best position.

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Pauwels Consulting Honored as Top Supplier by KellyOCG® for Superior Workforce Solutions

31 May 2018
London, UK. April 23, 2018. Pauwels Consulting was recently recognized by KellyOCG®, the outsourcing and consulting group of Kelly Services®, with a Supplier Excellence Award at an event in London, United Kingdom. The award is presented to top-performing national and global suppliers that provide superior workforce solutions, and whose service, results and strategic partnerships have made a significant impact on KellyOCG's business. 

This award program helps to further strengthen our supplier partnerships with companies such as Pauwels Consulting that offer diverse delivery models and capabilities to meet the unique talent requirements of our broad customer base,” said Thorsten Koletschka, Global Talent Supply Chain Organization for KellyOCG. “It’s important to recognize the top performers in our supplier community and the impact our partnership with Pauwels Consulting has on lives of workers.”

This year, KellyOCG recognized 31 of its top suppliers from Europe, the United States and Asia Pacific. More than half of the award recipients were diverse suppliers.

Suppliers are evaluated on three criteria:

  • scorecard results of their performance within KellyOCG-managed programs;
  • compliance with legal and program-specific requirements;
  • and engagement survey results from KellyOCG stakeholders assessing the ease of doing business with the supplier and the supplier’s partnership approach.

Award-winning organizations receive one-on-one development sessions; a designated KellyOCG representative to support their business growth; participation in supplier focus groups; access to KellyOCG’s supplier insight; and the ability to work directly with KellyOCG senior leaders.

“We are very honored to be recognized as one of KellyOCG®’s Top Suppliers for the third year in a row,” said Jolien Demanet, Account Manager and SPOC for KellyOCG at Pauwels Consulting. “This award once again confirms that both our organizations share the same vision, goals and way of work.”

“I would also like to thank our clients Johnson & Johnson, Amgen and Baxter for being part of this partnership”, added Van Nguyen, Operations Director and Partner at Pauwels Consulting. “We look forward to connect even more talented people with these ambitious organizations in the future.”

About KellyOCG

KellyOCG is a leading global advisor of talent supply chain strategies that enable companies to achieve their business goals by aligning talent strategy to business strategy across all internal and external worker categories.  Core solutions include Advisory Services, RPO, CWO, Business and Professional Services, and Career Transition.  Please visit

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2018 Pauwels Consulting Chairman’s Classic

26 Apr 2018
A wonderful cycling event along the River Scheldt. On Saturday, April 21, 2018, we gathered for the second edition of the Chairman's Classic Cycling Event in Temse.

Hans Swinnen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pauwels Consulting, had planned 2 wonderful tours on both banks of the River Scheldt. The cyclists with city bikes enjoyed a 27K ride and a nice boat trip, the cyclists with race bikes enjoyed a wonderful 60K ride.

A nice lunch was the perfect finale of the event.

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Pauwels Consulting obtains SCC certificate

27 Mar 2018
At Pauwels Consulting, we attach great importance to safe working conditions and a safe working environment. To reinforce this commitment, we recently obtained the SCC certification for our business unit engineering.

We had a brief conversation with Luc Marivoet, Internal Prevention Advisor and SHE Officer at Pauwels Consulting and Jan Fyens, Director Engineering, about the purpose and benefits of SCC.

Dear Luc, dear Jan, what is SCC exactly?

Luc: SCC – VCA in Dutch – stands for ‘Safety Checklist Contractors’, but over the years the ‘Safety’ aspect has gained an ever broader meaning. The letter ‘S’ now stands for the abbreviation ‘SHE’ – ‘Safety, Health and Environment’. The SCC checklist is a checklist with questions to determine whether the SHE management system of service companies is optimally organized. This way service companies can increase safety, health and environmental awareness in the workplace.

What is the purpose of SCC?

Luc: Ultimately, the goal of SCC is to provide both employers and employees with knowledge and understanding about Safety, Health and Environment at work. This way, all parties are aware of the dangers that surround them. The SCC checklist contains rules and methods to determine when certain risks are irresponsible and at what point the right measures need to be taken in order to make the workplace safer, healthier and more environmentally conscious.

Thanks to SCC, companies can implement a structured policy to continually improve their SHE management system and to limit accidents, incidents, material damage and environmental damage.

What are the benefits of SCC?

Jan: Our management team has a clear vision about working safely. A SCC certificate offers us the opportunity and the advantage to develop a sustainable ‘safety framework’. Thanks to this framework, we not only think, talk and act in terms of security, but we also deeply integrate all these matters into a system that is uniform, clear and sustainable in the long run. After all, our business processes must always be aligned with this framework. The first welcome result of this initiative is, of course, the VCA certificate for our engineering department.

But it does not stop there! We continue to aim higher and further: a low incidence of incidents, efficient management of protective equipment, a firm and clear risk analysis of the projects and the specific tasks that our employees perform and so on. The framework itself is, of course, a very positive aspect of the SCC, but there are many other advantages.

“A client who outsources work to someone with a SCC certificate can rest assured that these activities will be carried out without risks for Safety, Health and Environment.”

Luc: Indeed. The integration of this ‘safety framework’ also means that the Engineering Department and their partners no longer have to take any action to guarantee a SHE management system, for example, because all this has already been arranged in advance. Furthermore, a SCC certificate is valid for 3 years and is guaranteed through interim audits. This allows us to perform work with an increased risk for various clients.

In addition, all employees of the Business Unit Engineering must take a SCC course and take an exam. A distinction is made between basic safety for operational staff and safety for operational managers. The purpose of this SCC training is to make operational staff and managers aware of the risks – hidden or not – while working on a construction site or working in an area with potentially dangerous situations.

Why did Pauwels Consulting certify its Business Unit Engineering?

Jan: Many of our clients require a SCC certification as a condition for carrying out work for them. This is easy and it offers them the assurance that our Engineering department is conducting safe and reliable business management. After all, a client who outsources work to someone with a SCC certificate can rest assured that these activities are carried out without risks for Safety, Health and Environment, as confirmed during an independent and objective investigation by a recognized certification institution.

Luc: Another important feature of the SCC certificate is that we check annually whether we still comply with all SCC requirements. The Business Unit Engineering of Pauwels Consulting is therefore, as it were, ‘under supervision’ of the institution that issued the SCC certificate.

How did the SCC certification process go?

Jan: First, we set up a SCC project team with Mélodie Rogiers as HR Manager, Luc Marivoet as Prevention Adviser and SHE Officer and myself as Director Engineering. We also called on an external SCC Consultant. The team met on a monthly basis for consultation. We ran by the SCC checklist with priority questions and additional questions per chapter. After each meeting, the necessary actions were taken.

Why did Pauwels Consulting also deploy an external SCC consultant?

Jan: We are growing very fast as an organization and we want to monitor the decisions and actions we take externally. We must continue to challenge and question ourselves. An external specialist keeps us sharp.

What does Pauwels Consulting want to achieve with this SCC certification?

Luc: Safety, health and the environment … these are matters that are increasingly taken into account, and rightly so. SCC is an increasingly important factor in risky work environments, even though it’s not compulsory. With this SCC certificate, we are responding to a market situation in which more and more clients require a SCC certification for service companies.

Jan: In the end, everything revolves around fewer injuries, less absenteeism due to accidents at work, less disabled people, less chance of calamities, more attention for the environment. In short: a safer and healthier working environment.

Thanks for the interview, Luc and Jan, and good luck with your SCC projects and safety framework!

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Pauwels Consulting honored as Trends Gazelle 2018

27 Feb 2018
Each year, the financial-economic weekly Trends nominates the 200 fastest-growing and financially sound companies in each Belgian province based on their turnover, workforce and cash flow over the past five years. For the eighth consecutive year, Pauwels Consulting was honored as a Trends Gazelle for the province of Flemish Brabant. We had a brief conversation with Bert Pauwels, founder and Managing Director of Pauwels Consulting.

Bert, congratulations on this Trends Gazelle Award. The eighth in a row. How did you celebrate this award?

Bert: : Thank you for the congratulations. We have celebrated the award in silence (laughs). Of course, we already shared the news with our colleagues during our annual New Year’s Eve party and thanked them many times for their share in obtaining this award and all previous Trends Gazelle awards. After all, they all deserve and receive this award. Furthermore, I myself also silently enjoyed the fantastic result that we all have achieved.

What’s so great about the Trends Gazelle Awards is the fact that they are based on objective figures over a longer period. At the end of 2012, Pauwels Consulting had 187 employees and we achieved an annual turnover of just under 14 million euros. At the end of 2017, our group had 520 employees and we achieved a turnover of 52.2 million euros. A wonderful growth achieved with and by a great team. I am very proud of the team and very grateful for this result.

What would be the biggest mistake you could make at this point, Bert?

Bert: To lean back and assume that we will remain successful no matter what. That is nonsense and the biggest pitfall of any successful organization.

At Pauwels Consulting, we continually strive to earn the business of our customers, time and again. We manage to do this by keeping our feet on the ground and by finding the right people for the right projects.

While doing this, we are not only focusing on the near future, but we are also keeping in mind the ambitions our customers and consultants want to achieve in the long run. Furthermore, we continue to invest in new services and markets.

How do Pauwels’ recent acquisitions fit into this vision?

Bert: At the end of 2016, we acquired PIT-Advisor, an IT project sourcing company from Antwerp. That acquisition brought us new customers and new business: PIT-Advisor has traditionally also been a supplier of Power-i software, for example. Previously, we did not have any experience with Power-i. Now, we do.

The acquisition of Vandycke & Partners and Mediconsult provided a boost in 2 areas. Thanks to the acquisition of Vandycke & Partners, an established name in the field of executive search & selection, we are now also able to provide our clients with difficult top profiles for permanent positions within life sciences.

Through the acquisition of Mediconsult, a top name in the field of project sourcing within the life sciences industry, we have gained a fantastic team of recruiters and consultants. The integration of Mediconsult and Pauwels Consulting has now been completed, by the way. This means that our recruitment teams now cooperate integrally. This offers fresh perspectives and a lot of energy on the work floor and allows for an even faster service for our customers.

To conclude, the acquisition of Akros Solutions strengthened our position as IT project sourcing party in Brussels. The team at Akros Solutions is doing a really fantastic job. Our close cooperation truly provides added value for our services in Brussels.

If I am not mistaken, Pauwels Consulting is actively and explicitly looking beyond Belgium as well?

Bert: Absolutely! We have been active in Switzerland and France for years. In the past few months, we’ve followed up on our international ambitions with a new dedicated website for the French market and a dedicated French team to strengthen our position on the French market.

Furthermore, we have also attracted a business manager for Switzerland. In 2018 and in the following years, we will fully focus on the continued internationalization of our services.

Finally, Bert, can we expect new acquisitions in 2018?

Bert: Since our collaboration with 3D-Investments in January 2016, we have focused on organic growth and growth through strategic acquisitions. We will continue to do so in 2018, both in Belgium and abroad!

If we see interesting organizations with the potential to strengthen our position during our search, we will certainly spark up a conversation about a possible acquisition. It is not a ‘must’, but we do keep our ears and eyes open (laughs).

Thank you for this conversation, Bert. Again, congratulations on this Trends Gazelle award and the results achieved by your team. Good luck with the further development of Pauwels Consulting.

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Pauwels Consulting Ghent Marathon 2017

30 Oct 2017
On Oct 28, 2017, 7000 sports enthusiasts conquered various distances at the new Pauwels Consulting Ghent Marathon. Click to see the aftermovie.

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Pauwels Consulting acquires Akros Solutions

10 Oct 2017
Ghent, 10 October 2017. Pauwels Consulting, the Belgian engineering, life sciences and IT consultancy company, is proud to announce the acquisition of Akros Solutions, the Belgian IT recruitment and consultancy firm with offices in Brussels.

Akros Solutions was founded in 2009 by Sebastian Jacquin and Amélie Alleman. In the past 8 years, Akros Solutions has established itself as one of the leaders in the Brussels IT recruitment and consultancy market.

This acquisition will help us strengthen our position in Brussels and Wallonia and create new opportunities for our consultants and freelancers. We had a short interview with Bert Pauwels, Sebastian Jacquin and Amélie Alleman.

Bert, Sebastian and Amélie, congratulations on this new partnership! Could you please introduce yourself?

Amélie: Sure. My name is Amélie. After college, I started working at an American staffing company as a junior recruiter. I liked my job, but after a while, I wanted to go one step further.

In 2008, I started thinking about starting my own firm. I wanted to do things differently. I wanted to bring more added value and personality to the game. As a result, in 2009, Sebastian and I quit our jobs and we started Akros Solutions.

Sebastian: My name is Sebastian. I was born in England. I have done many different jobs in my life. I have had my own small restaurant, I have worked in sales and at a certain moment I ended up at the same staffing firm as Amélie.

Gradually, I moved up the corporate ladder to office manager, European team leader and European director. I  managed our offices in Brussels, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Germany and very briefly in Paris. I had a great time but in 2009 it was time for a change. I wanted to start a business of my own again.

Bert: My name is Bert. I have been in the game since 1999, when I started Pauwels Consulting as an IT recruitment and consultancy company. In 2004 and 2005, we expanded our focus to engineering and life sciences recruitment and consulting respectively.

Apart from work, I like sports, spending time with my family, and a combination of both. I am an avid runner and I try to motivate as many people as possible to live a healthy and sporty life, a.o. by sponsoring events such as the Pauwels Consulting Ghent Marathon on October 28th.

Could you please explain the activities of your companies?

Amélie: Akros Solutions is an IT recruitment and consultancy firm. It is our job to find the right people and the best staffing solutions for our clients in various industries. It has always been our mission to become the leading firm in the Brussels IT consultancy and recruitment market.

Sebastian: We have always offered permanent recruitment and contract recruitment services. Nowadays, staffing companies often focus on one form of recruitment or technology. We deliberately chose to deliver both types of staffing solutions and to focus on good relationships with our clients instead. We take our time to truly understand our clients’ needs and demands, and to advise our clients regardless of the return for us.

akros acquisition by pauwels consulting
Why this approach?

Sebastian: When we started, we were too small to throw around resumes in the market. Obviously, we didn’t want to do this either. We wanted to add a genuine personal touch to our business instead.

There is a human being with wishes and ambitions behind every cv. It is not just our job to find IT consultants for our clients’ projects… it is our job to make sure that our candidates and clients get along and that they both feel and stay happy at work.

What about Pauwels Consulting, Bert?

Bert: We have the same focus and values at Pauwels Consulting. We want to be more than just a staffing agency; we want to deliver honest advice and great service to both our clients and our consultants. We always focus on long-term relationships. It is the best policy for healthy growth.

Amélie, when and why did you decide to start looking for a partner?

Amélie: This idea first popped up in January 2016. Sebastian and I have always loved our work at Akros Solutions, but we felt that it was time for the next step. Hence our decision to look for an experienced company with ambitious management that can help Akros Solutions get to the next level.

We had our first meeting with Pauwels Consulting in March or April that year, et voilà, here we are. This merger will help us take the next step in our growth and it will help us serve our clients in more areas than before.

This brings me to my next question: why did you choose for Pauwels Consulting?

Sebastian: Because we like Bert (laughs). No, all jokes aside, Amélie and I felt an instant connection with Bert and his team. We still have big dreams and ambitions for Akros Solutions, so we were looking for an experienced and ambitious partner with a healthy firm and a clear vision. We look forward to continuing our growth with the help of Bert and the Pauwels Consulting group.

pauwels consulting acquires akros solutions

Bert, why did you choose to enter this partnership?

Bert: Since our partnership with 3D Investments in January 2016 we focus on organic growth and growth through strategic acquisitions. We are always on the lookout for dynamic recruitment and consultancy firms with smart and ambitious management. Sebastian Jacquin and Amélie Alleman bring a lot of experience, a strong network and a clear vision to the table.

In addition, Akros Solutions has a great reputation and their IT specialties and customer base are complementary to ours. Pauwels Consulting is very active as an IT recruitment and consultancy company in Flanders, but not so much in Brussels and Wallonia. This merger will help us strengthen our position as IT recruitment and consultancy company in Brussels and Wallonia, and it will help us to reach new clients.

Amélie and Sebastian, will this merger change things for your consultants and clients?

Amélie: I only see benefits. If anything, this merger will help us serve our clients even better. We will no doubt benefit from the network, know-how and internal processes of Pauwels Consulting. This will make it easier for us to find ‘hard-to-find’ consultants for our clients in a limited amount of time.

Sebastian: I also see many opportunities for our consultants. Pauwels Consulting invests in knowledge growth and knowledge sharing between their consultants. Our consultants will enter a vibrant network of over 600 consultants and clients we haven’t worked for yet. Great career opportunities ahead!

Sounds great. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Bert: I am very happy with this merger. Not only because of the benefits for our clients, consultants and business, but also because I have a knack for smart, dynamic and ambitious people. I am very sure this partnership will be very successful.

Sebastian: I think there is nothing left to say (laugh). Evidently, I agree with Bert and Amélie. And should you (or the reader) have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We look forward to answering all the questions you may have.

Bert, Sebastian and Amélie, thank you very much for this interview and all the best with this new partnership.

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Pauwels Consulting Recognized by KellyOCG® as a Top Supplier

17 May 2017
Ghent, April 26, 2017. KellyOCG®, the outsourcing and consulting group of Kelly Services®, has recognized Pauwels Consulting with the company's annual Supplier Excellence Award for the second year in a row.

This award honors KellyOCG’s 25 top performing national and global suppliers whose outstanding service, superior results and strategic partnerships have made a significant impact on KellyOCG’s business.

“At Kelly, we pride ourselves in making a difference in people’s lives by connecting them with work,” said Thorsten Koletschka, Vice President and Global Lead Supplier Strategy & Engagement for KellyOCG. “Outstanding suppliers such as Pauwels Consulting enable us to deliver the world’s best workforce solutions. Our award winners have not only delivered distinguished services but have made a positive difference to numerous people’s lives through their dedicated and passionate work every day.”

“It is a great honour to be recognized as one of the Top Suppliers for the second year in a row,” said Jolien Demanet, Account Manager and SPOC for KellyOCG® at Pauwels Consulting. “This award is the result of great team work at and between both our organizations. It is always a joy to work with the KellyOCG® team.”

“Both our firms share the same vision, goals and way of work”, added Van Nguyen, Operations Director and Partner at Pauwels Consulting. “That’s why this partnership is so successful. We look forward to further strengthen our partnership and to connect even more talented people with ambitious organizations in the future.”

About KellyOCG

KellyOCG®, the Outsourcing and Consulting Group of workforce solutions provider, Kelly Services, is a global leader in integrated workforce solution delivery for clients worldwide, utilizing proven talent supply chain strategies. In addition to integrated solutions, KellyOCG specializes in Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Contingent Workforce Outsourcing (CWO), Talent Advisory Services, Career Transition and Executive Coaching & Development, and Executive Search.

KellyOCG was named to the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals® 2016 Global Outsourcing 100® list, an annual ranking of the world’s best outsourcing service providers and advisors. Further information about KellyOCG may be found at

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