
Consultants help build the world’s first energy island

17 Jul 2024

The world’s first “energy island” is taking shape 45 kilometers off the coast of Belgium. We spoke to Marianne Van Gerven and Laurent De Kerf, two consultants at Pauwels Consulting who are working on the groundbreaking project for the client, Elia. As Marine and Island Coordinators, they both have huge responsibilities and exciting roles within the various phases of the project. What experience do these consultants bring to their role and how did they find themselves in this unusual job? They give us the full story in this article. 

A project in phases 

Princess Elisabeth Island will serve as a central hub for wind farms in the North Sea. It will be equipped with both AC and DC modules to manage and distribute the generated electricity. There will be a total of eight cables running to Zeebrugge, with the potential for connections to other countries in future. Not only will the energy island export electricity to Belgium, but it will also create import and export opportunities.  


There are at least ten sub-projects that will have to be completed before the energy island comes on stream,” explains Laurent. “We are currently in the construction phase for the island. All of the activities fall into one of two main zones: marine or island. And, as you can tell from our job title – we are both Marine and Island Coordinators – it is our role to keep a broad overview.” 

Avoiding risks 

Multiple subcontractors are involved in the various phases of the project. “We sit in the spaces between them,” continues Marianne. “All of the parties involved have their own responsibilities. Bringing them all together so that you end up with the right result takes an immense amount of coordination. On top of that, there are all sorts of risks to consider. Our experience in both offshore and onshore projects means we’re well equipped to properly assess them. It is our job to document and develop regulations to help avoid risks. Clearly, preventing the risk in the first place is the ideal scenario, but we also need to define plans for accidents or emergencies.” 

The role of a Marine and Island Coordinator 

As Marine and Island Coordinators, Marianne and Laurent are currently involved in vessel inspections, reporting, project planning administration and, together with the subcontractors, monitoring vessels that are constructing the island in this phase. 

“Our role will grow as we progress in the project,” adds Marianne. What are they working on at the moment? “Recently, I have been checking vessels for compliance with safety regulations, and then I am responsible for producing safety reports – one example of our onshore activities. But we also operate offshore, where we will primarily take on a coordinating role.” Laurent continues: “At the moment, I’m mainly behind the scenes, you could say. So I’m developing safety procedures and emergency plans, for example.” 

Experience in the nautical world 

“We both went to nautical college. After graduating, I went to sea and learned a huge amount from the operational positions I held in various roles on seafaring vessels. In fact, the role of Coordinator brings all these together. You could call it a multi-job, for which you need an in-depth understanding of all the aspects combined” explains Marianne. 

You can compare a ship to a company,” continues Laurent. “People with a host of different roles, management, time and money are all at stake. So communication between the various stakeholders is very important. That’s why having experience in this world is essential to fulfilling the role of Coordinator. My experience as a navigating officer, which involved both navigation and safety, means I have the necessary insight into the needs of the project. What’s more, we both have specific experience of working on vessels installing wind farms, giving us a broader view of the context of the project.” 

Consultancy opens doors 

“This project is completely unique. Elia is the first operator to build an energy island, and having the chance to be part of the project is a fantastic opportunity. These aren’t the sort of jobs you simply find advertised online,” observes Laurent. 

“I was looking for something different, so when I got in touch with Pauwels Consulting, the timing was perfect. I should say here that I also received another offer from a different company around the same time. At Pauwels Consulting, they have a very straightforward approach. They immediately proposed this project, and there wasn’t going to be anything that could top that. Our discussions were also very positive and pleasant right from the outset, you felt you were in good hands, and everything seemed to go naturally,” he adds. 

Marianne continues, relating her own story: “The truth is, I wasn’t really looking for another job. It’s true I was wondering where to take my career next, but I had nothing specific in mind. Laurent and I knew one another from a previous job and he recommended me to Pauwels Consulting. When they proposed this project to me, I realized it was an opportunity I had to seize with both hands.” 

Support as a consultant 

“The world of seafaring is a busy, sometimes chaotic life. This project is a far cry from all that. At Elia, we are surrounded by a terrific young team full of people who want to help you, and the facilities are all tip top. It’s a great company that invests in really exciting projects. Part of their strategy for success is hiring the right people with a positive mindset,” believes Marianne. 

Laurent adds: “We also have great support from Pauwels Consulting. Our account manager Björn Nachtegaele is always on hand should we need him, and working for a company that has such interesting clients and projects on its books gives you a good feeling.” 

Become an Engineering consultant

Contribute to ground breaking projects of major players in Belgium and Europe. Challenge yourself!

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Balako’s Journey into Consultancy: Motivated by Self-development and new Experiences

15 Jul 2024

Working in the world of consultancy supercharges the development of your professional skills. Take every opportunity that comes your way, so you can accelerate your personal growth and have an impact in society. That is the mantra Balako Hado lives by when it comes to his working life. He is an HVAC consultant with a passion for programming and automation who wants to share his know-how in order to make a difference in the world. His unique path into consultancy shows just what determination, eagerness to learn and a drive to develop and change can achieve. We asked Balako to tell us about his career as a consultant and what motivates him.

I know I am very fortunate to have had the education I've had, as well as opportunities for personal development. That's why I want to share my know-how with those who have not had this opportunity. My experience in Madagascar was a light-bulb moment for me, where I understood just how lucky I am and that I need to make the most of it.

A fantastic education

“I had a fantastic education, if I say so myself,” Balako starts by saying. “After finishing my school education, I was keen to get into the world of work, but a good friend gave me pause for thought. He had already started studying Energy Technology in college and he told me how much he was getting out of it. “You’d be better off continuing your studies!” was his advice to me. “So, that’s what I went on to do – a decision I’ve never once regretted. That friend may well know how grateful I am to him for setting me straight.”

Semester in Madagascar

As part of the program, we had the opportunity to do a placement abroad through the Erasmus exchange scheme. Together with a fellow student, I went to Madagascar with an open mind, keen to learn all I could. I can honestly say the time I spent there was one of the best periods of my life. Our internship project involved helping to install solar panels for a small local firm. Working as a team, we installed enough solar panels to supply electricity to as many as 2,000 people. The region we were in was extremely poor and I’d never seen a situation like that before. So, it was quite a culture shock for me. But, knowing that I was able to play a part in making life a little better for the people in that community is something I will always cherish. Yet, more than that, it gave me a desire to help people in other situations too.

Consultancy is flexible

After graduating and my amazing internship experience in Madagascar, I was motivated to start on a new challenge. I wanted to see my career grow and evolve. As a consultant, you have great flexibility and many opportunities to learn and grow. After I’d finished my studies, I went to work for AlfaZ, a consultancy firm based in Ghent that specialized in engineering. I was working as a technical design consultant when the takeover by Pauwels Consulting suddenly opened even more doors for me.

Personal development 

I got my first lessons in stakeholder management while I was doing my internship. In Europe, projects tend to be fairly structured: you get an email, there might be a meeting, then you get started on your part of the project. But it’s not quite like that in Africa! “Go with the flow” is a way of life and something that filters into every part of the project. If you’re working in a different culture, you need to be flexible and adapt to how they do things. That was something I learned very quickly on my internship, and it taught me that whatever work environment you’re in you need to watch out for the unwritten rules, who is in charge and what are the expectations of you.  

Steady progress

My aim is to be able to look back every three years and clearly see how far I’ve come. So I want to be able to see that in those three years I’ve progressed from where I am now. There are a number of roles I want to take on and skills I want to put into practice. For instance, I recently moved on from a project since I felt I’d gone as far as I could in that particular role. The moment I’m in my comfort zone, I start to get itchy feet. Pauwels Consulting is the perfect place for someone like me! I discuss what’s on my mind with my Talent Manager and we put our heads together to look at the options.

New challenge

I was looking for something completely different from my previous role as an Electrical Design Engineer and started work as an E&I Automation Engineer for a Belgian multinational that develops, produces and sells analog and digital modeling systems, IT systems and products in the hydrogen production industry. I am responsible for climate control with a SCADA system (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) that allows us to automatically control the HVAC systems. If there’s a problem, I go on site to fix it and do an inspection.

Learning programming on the job

The role is a technical one, but it also allows me to indulge my passion for programming. Before I started on this project, my knowledge of programming was still quite basic, but I was very eager to improve my skills. I can now program PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) and control them using SCADA. My role also involves using virtual machines that allow us to use previous software versions. This comes into play in the case of machines with older operating systems.

Development support

Pauwels Consulting and the client have supported me along this path. Pauwels Consulting by giving me the opportunity to start on a project that was completely new for me, and the client by having the belief in me to take me on and giving me the support of a mentor. As a result, I feel supported by both parties and can continue developing my programming skills. As I become more familiar with the role, I am increasingly able to take the initiative in what I do. There’s a strong emphasis on working independently in the project. For instance, I am responsible for planning my work and for materials that need to be ordered.

I have benefited from more training at Pauwels Consulting while working there. Last year, I followed a tailored Training Program that included training in communication skills and design thinking. They were both fascinating topics with an immediate practical application.

Training Program

I have benefited from more training at Pauwels Consulting while working here. Last year, I followed a tailored Training Program that included training in communication skills and design thinking. They were both fascinating topics with an immediate practical application. I took a lot away from the sessions, particularly when it came to communication skills. I think of myself as someone who is good at communicating, but the techniques we learned for getting your message across clearly and adapting it to the other person were new to me. Last but not least, I also had some coaching sessions. In these, the coach asks you about your goals and how you want to shape your future. That was super interesting for me since I always have one eye to the future. Being able to discuss this with a coach was really helpful and gave me a better understanding of what I need to do to move forward in my journey.

Opportunities for growth

I am hugely grateful for the many opportunities I’ve been given to further develop my skills and for personal development. I’ve still got a long way to go and many avenues to explore in my career, and I want to get the most value out of every step on that path. There’s no doubt working for Pauwels Consulting has been a good move. That’s why I decided to volunteer to act as a Pauwels Ambassador for the client. This entails being a point of contact for all consultants at Pauwels Consulting involved with the same company where I am working. Now that I’ve had all this training in communication, I thought it would be a good opportunity to put it directly into practice for the benefit of my colleagues while also honing my skills.

Personal ambition

I am ambitious in the sense that I want to challenge myself. By being willing to learn and seizing the opportunities that come my way, I hope over time to experience new places and to step into new roles. Possibly as a manager or project manager, with a mix of technical and communication responsibilities. I have already worked on many projects for Pauwels Consulting, so my next move might be to look for a project abroad or a business manager role.

But my real passion is helping people. I know I am very fortunate to have had the education I’ve had, as well as opportunities for personal development. That’s why I want to share my know-how with those who have not had this opportunity. My experience in Madagascar was a light-bulb moment for me, where I understood just how lucky I am and that I need to make the most of it.

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Nicole Rita is learning for life

13 May 2024

Nicole Rita Napoli, consultant in IT, recently got awarded the Premio America Giovani, which translates to the America Youth Prize. As she is awarded for her academic achievements, we invited her to tell us more about her motivation, ambition, and her opinion on learning for life.

I feel very supported in all my academic undertakings at Pauwels Consulting. My Talent Manager checks in on me to see if I can manage my current project and my classes, and she gave me access to my language classes. I have a coach as well, who was fundamental to me to help me cope with everything I am taking on. That way, I am thoroughly supported and truly feel that I can learn a lot while working on an immensely interesting job.

Premio America Giovani

The Premio America Giovani, also known as the America Youth Prize, is an acknowledgment of excellence demonstrated throughout one’s academic path. What sets this prize apart is its exclusive selection process. The foundation meticulously identifies and honors the top 1000 students of each graduation year in Italy. Unlike traditional awards, candidates do not apply or register for this honor; instead, it is bestowed upon them based on their academic merit and achievements as the foundation considers all graduates nationally.

Benefits of being awarded

Nicole Rita now benefits from boundless opportunities that come with winning the prestigious award. One such opportunity includes a full scholarship for an Executive Master in “Leadership for International Relations and Made in Italy”, a program designed to hone leadership skills and foster a deeper understanding of global dynamics. Nicole Rita found receiving this accolade was both humbling and exciting because while she is over the moon with the doors that open for her, she feels responsible for making the foundation and her peers proud.

Now, she is nearly finished with the last module of the Master. Nicole is very motivated and finds a personal passion in obtaining her degree: “For the final Project Work, even though it was not requested by the foundation, I asked my tutor if it would be possible to get in contact with companies which produce products made in Italy. After having received approval from the tutor, I got in contact with 2 Sicilian companies. The choice was simple because compared to others, these entrepreneurs showcase naturally their passion for their local products! I find it a great opportunity to connect with my people and to promote the beauty of my beloved Sicilian Island.

Master’s degrees

I graduated with a Master’s degree in “Business Administration and Management”. To finish my degree, I was working as an Junior Project Manager in the Lombardy region delegation to the European Union office in Brussels within the Rotary District 2042 representation office to the EU. The internship was financed by the Erasmus+ for internship program and by the Rotary District 2042 which represents the northern part of the Lombardy region. I am part of this Rotary District as founding member and international action referee for the e-club “Città dei Laghi”, so I feel honored by the support. Because I was planning on staying in Belgium, I started looking around for a job in the region. Only two days after finishing my internship, I sent out my CV to Pauwels Consulting. I still had to complete my thesis, but because the classes and my internship were over, I felt that it was time.

Why Consultancy

During my education I got acquainted with the world of consultancy. Big consultancy firms came to present themselves on campus, for example. They sparked my interest because it became clear that as a consultant, I would get the opportunity to explore various industries and companies. Since I love learning as much as I can, consultancy seemed like the way to do that.

Now, I’m working as an IT consultant and administrative assistant in the Directorate General for health and Food Security (DG-SANTE) of the European Commission. My experience in international environments and personal interest in learning languages and cross-cultural communication really offers a profound base that has proven to be beneficial to me.

Pauwels Acceleration Program

I am enrolled in the Pauwels Acceleration Program this year as well; I feel that the content of the Executive Master in “Leadership for International Relations and Made in Italy” is complementary to the Program. So, following both in the same year is a good thing, it’s an immersion into communication and leadership styles. When I completed the HotSeat session for the Acceleration Program, I had already completed the leadership module of the Executive Master so I felt like I was one step ahead. Although the goal and focus of both programs is very different, they are in parallel.

In the Executive Master in “Leadership for International Relations and Made in Italy”, the focus is on Italy-USA relations, which means I am learning a lot about the leadership styles and politics of both regions. The Pauwels Acceleration Program is more aimed towards consultancy skills and self-leadership. Both are quite valuable for climbing in a career in international environments.

Learning for Life

Next to the Executive Master in “Leadership for International Relations and Made in Italy” and the Pauwels Acceleration Program, I’m also taking on other challenges. I’m now enrolled in the Advanced Master in “European Law and Policies” at LUISS University in Rome to deepen my knowledge of my current work. The European Commission is hugely interesting and living in Brussels has given me additional motivation to explore my options within that context.

Now, I as I have already identified the topic of my research thesis, I am evaluating how I will be contributing to the scientific research through a PhD. I’m still on my way to identify the best institution and team on which I can carry out my research related to EU policies.

Learning languages

After finishing my first bachelor’s degree in 2019, I took advantage of my youth and free time to take a sabbatical. I felt that I needed to go abroad to make the most of it and explore opportunities outside of Italy. Since I wanted to improve my English and Spanish, as I had already had the opportunity to do an Erasmus semester in the Universidad de Alicante in 2018.

Secondly, I have started learning German via Pauwels Consulting. I had tried to learn the language before, but I mentioned to my Talent Manager that I needed some extra support in my endeavor. So, they gave me access to a course and I have already taken some tests! I simply love learning foreign languages, it’s like a relaxing hobby next to the more business-related classes I’m taking.

Pauwels Consulting Supports Growth

I feel very supported in all my academic undertakings at Pauwels Consulting. My Talent Manager checks in on me to see if I can manage my current project and my classes, and she gave me access to my language classes. I have a coach as well, who was fundamental to me to help me cope with everything I am taking on. That way, I am thoroughly supported and truly feel that I can learn a lot while working on an immensely interesting job. Pauwels Consulting has ‘Shoot for the Moon’ as one of its core values, and I feel that they really live up to that motto!

Consultant Nicole Rita Napoli was awarded the premio America Giovani for her academic achievements.
Nicole Rita felt very honored to receive the award for her academic achievements and we're proud to support her in her next academic endeavors.

Become a consultant at Pauwels Consulting

Contribute to ground breaking projects of major players in Life Sciences, IT and Engineering. Challenge yourself!

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Consultant Wassima took up three roles at once

26 Mar 2024

In the fast-paced world of consultancy, versatility is often hailed as a key attribute, and Wassima’s journey exemplifies this notion in every aspect. Over the past eight weeks, Wassima navigated through diverse roles with grace and determination, proving that consultants can truly do anything.

I also carried out a survey from A to Z and presented the results to the team, who were able to identify concrete actions to take. As you can see, I wasn’t assigned typical intern “grunt work.” I was allowed to contribute and make a meaningful impact.

Three Roles at Once

Consultants can truly do anything! Wassima had to wear two Pauwels badges over the last eight weeks. While working as a Pauwels consultant in pharmaceuticals, she finished her internship in the internal Marketing team as well. To be precise, she took up three roles as she is also a Pauwels ambassador, which means that she is the first point of contact for fellow consultants who work with her for the same client.

We were delighted to work with her for two days a week over the course of three months, as she displayed an impressive dedication to learn and discover how the Marketing team operates.

Marketing Internship

Wassima is currently finishing her bachelor’s degree in Marketing, all while working as a consultant in the pharmaceutical industry. Finding a place to conclude her internship proved to be challenging.

Wassima: “As part of my evening studies in marketing at Ephec, I am required to complete two internships over a period of four years. The main challenge lies in finding a company willing to accommodate a 15-day internship, as the standard duration is often a minimum of three months full time. Balancing a full-time job with my studies means that I neither had the availability nor the means to take such a long leave, especially considering that internships are unpaid.”

Pauwels Consulting Offers Opportunities

At Pauwels Consulting, we are always looking to provide the best opportunities for consultants. Usually, this means finding a fitting project, or organizing additional training for consultants who want to improve their skills or build new experience. But in Wassima’s case, the match was made between her marketing ambitions and the needs of the internal Marketing team.

With us, Wassima found the flexibility she needed: “Fortunately, at Pauwels Consulting, I was warmly welcomed, and a solution was found for me to undertake a rewarding 15-day internship. What I particularly appreciated was the freedom granted to me to work autonomously on my tasks. Trust was placed in me from the start. Of course, whenever I needed assistance, the team was always available to lend a helping hand.”

Learning for Life

We offer training, mentoring, and coaching to all consultants. On the one hand, the Pauwels Academy offers a continuous program of training sessions, both online and in class. On the other hand, the Talent Managers are always there for consultants who want to ask for extra training opportunities, or one-on-one coaching or mentoring. As a consultant for Pauwels Consulting, learning for life and growing in your career is guaranteed.

Learning on the Job

“The tasks assigned to me were also very engaging. I had the opportunity to contribute to the writing of the ambassador blog! With that alone, I was able to conduct interviews and prepare the content with the assistance of Maxime van Belle,” she says, reflecting on her role as a Pauwels ambassador which proved to be useful during her internship as well. Knowing the company inside and out is a huge asset when transitioning into various roles.

Insights for the Team

“I also carried out a survey from A to Z and presented the results to the team, who were able to identify concrete actions to take. As you can see, I wasn’t assigned typical intern “grunt work.” I was allowed to contribute and make a meaningful impact. For that, I extend a heartfelt THANK YOU!”

Well, we want to thank you too, Wassima. As a consultant and an ambassador, you provided valuable insights to the Marketing team, while being a reliable extra in our workforce. And most importantly, you were a ray of sunshine in the office!

Become a consultant at Pauwels Consulting

Contribute to ground breaking projects of major players in Life Sciences. Challenge yourself!

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Maxime van Belle Content Marketeer


14 Years of Excellence: Pauwels Consulting Named Trends Gazelle Ambassador in Flemish Brabant’s Extra Large Companies Category

25 Mar 2024

Pauwels Consulting celebrates its 14th consecutive year as a Trends Gazelle, this year achieving the Ambassador title in the large companies category in Flemish Brabant. Through rigorous evaluation of growth metrics like value addition and workforce expansion, Pauwels Consulting reaffirms its commitment to excellence and innovation in the region’s business landscape.

CEO Bert Pauwels proudly received the award, as this year marks a milestone that's particularly close to our hearts—it's the first time we've been judged in the category of large companies in Flemish Brabant, and we've been awarded as the # 1 Trends Gazelle Ambassador!

Achieving the Title of Trends Gazelle Ambassador

In a remarkable achievement for the 14th consecutive year, Pauwels Consulting has clinched the prestigious title of Trends Gazelle from Trends Kanaal Z. This year, however, holds special significance as it marks our inaugural evaluation in the large companies category in Flemish Brabant, where we proudly secured the top position as the #1 Trends Gazelle Ambassador!

The Path to Becoming a Trends Gazelle

The journey to becoming a Trends Gazelle is not paved with flashy presentations or dynamic sales pitches; rather, it is forged through robust growth metrics: increased value addition, expansion in workforce, and enhanced cash flow.

Objective Selection Process

Unlike typical awards where companies vie for recognition, Trends Gazelle selection operates on an objective premise. Every company filing its balance sheet with the National Bank automatically enters the reckoning. Trends Business Information meticulously analyzes financial data from the past five fiscal years to create an impartial ranking.

The Significance of Hard Figures

According to Jozef Vangelder, a respected journalist at Trends, “The Gazelle competition thrives on hard figures, which is its inherent strength. It’s not a beauty contest; subjectivity plays no role. The ranking is solely determined by the company’s growth over the last five years—measured in terms of value addition, cash flow, and workforce. The top-ranked company earns the title of ‘Ambassador,’ provided it maintains operational independence, excluding subsidiaries of multinationals. Pauwels Consulting’s top spot in the category of large companies in Flemish Brabant this year underscores its status as the highest-ranked independent Flemish company, rightfully earning it the accolade. It’s a well-deserved win; Pauwels Consulting’s fourteenth nomination as a Gazelle is a testament to its phenomenal performance.”

Quantitative Analysis by Trends Top

Trends Top’s quantitative analysis categorizes companies into three groups based on their value addition:

  1. Small companies (with value addition less than 1 million euros)
  2. Medium-sized companies (with value addition ranging from 1 to 5 million euros)
  3. Large companies (with value addition exceeding 5 million euros)

Criteria for Evaluation

Trends Gazelles are the fastest growing companies. To evaluate their growth, a period of five years is analyzed. To obtain this year’s results, the 5 years between 2022 and 2018 are being considered.

Their financial records from the past five years are then scrutinized against three growth criteria, and a ranking is established based on:

  • Increase in value addition
  • Expansion of workforce
  • Enhancement of cash flow

There are minimum requirements to qualify. The first is that the company has been founded over 5 years ago. Another criterion is that companies must have created at least 10 job positions since inception to qualify. Furthermore, Trends’ editorial team ensures that the companies exhibit sufficient operational independence.

Recognition and Commendation

The company topping the list earns the esteemed title of Trends Gazelle Ambassador for a year and receives commendation. All other qualifying companies are recognized as nominees for Trends Gazelle 2024.

A Testament to Dedication and Excellence

In essence, the Trends Gazelle award isn’t just a badge of honor; it’s a testament to unwavering dedication, relentless growth, and operational excellence. As we celebrate this milestone, Pauwels Consulting remains committed to driving innovation, fostering talent, and contributing to the dynamic business landscape of Flemish Brabant and beyond.

Become a consultant at Pauwels Consulting

Contribute to ground breaking projects of major players in IT, Engineering and Life Sciences. Challenge yourself!

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Maxime van Belle Content Marketeer


Consultant Talks: A new challenge in MRP Planning for Annelies

21 Mar 2024

Annelies recently took up a consultancy role with a major player in the life sciences. She started her career at Pauwels Consulting as a Project Planning Analyst in the PES team (Partnership & External Supply), and is currently in the process of moving to a new role as MRP Planner (Material Requirements Planning). She tells us about the transition to a new team within the company, and why she decided to make the move to a consultancy position.

I believe in taking as many opportunities as you can when they present themselves. That way I can keep on learning and be proud of what I've achieved: that's my goal. So, I'm actually ambitious on a personal level, rather than aiming for a particular job title.

Consultant in life sciences

What is PES planning? As PES Planner, you are responsible for the relationship between the customer and their stakeholders in the area of external supply. You manage the purchase order process and planning for externally sourced goods, ensure the timely procurement of orders and evaluate the impact when orders are amended. This means you’re in contact with both the external suppliers and internal colleagues employed by my client, which, as a super-social person, I love.

I am currently making the transition to MRP Planning where my focus will primarily be on the internal lead time for goods. This means I will check things like when quality inspections are due, and that raw materials processing and product packaging are scheduled at the right time. I will work closely with the warehouse and quality experts to establish the most efficient timeline for production.

Training and support

I’m getting a lot of training and support from the client to help me make this transition. I’m gradually taking on more work for my new team since I officially stepped into the new role on January 1. At the same time as getting a lot of support, it also feels good to be assuming more responsibility and I appreciate the trust placed in me. Pauwels Consulting also supports me. My Talent Manager Debbie has already let me know that I can go to her for help and support at any time, or to access additional training options.

At home in all markets

When I was choosing what to study at college, I had no idea what direction to take in my career since my interests were so varied. In the end, I opted for economics, a very wide-ranging subject that could take me in a number of different directions. I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Economics and a Master’s in Business Economics, specializing in logistics and innovation. It’s from here that my passion for logistics grew.

First career moves

My first professional moves were as an Operational Management Trainee working for a transport and warehousing company. The job was to make it easy for young potentials to move rapidly into management positions by introducing them to the different departments within the company on a project basis. During my time there I learned to work independently and really developed my self-confidence. As a result, I got the opportunity to spend three months in the Netherlands helping to implement the company culture in a new office. This involved a lot of teamwork and the opportunity to develop communication techniques, especially when it came to cultural differences. I completed my traineeship after nine months, following which I started as a team leader in the warehouse. There I managed logistics and the associated day-to-day operations for a period of six months.

Team player

Teamwork has always appealed to me, and that’s what inspired me to take on the role of team leader with my previous employer. While in this position, I gained valuable experience in leadership and in supporting a team. However, through this experience, I’ve come to the realization that my true strength and preference lies in working directly within a team. As so often happens, it took real-life experience to make me realize this. As team lead, I stood apart from the team dynamics to a certain extent. This was undoubtedly the case when it came to the more negative aspects, such as giving bad news or re-delegating work. Now, I’m working shoulder-to-shoulder with my colleagues toward the same goal, and that feels good.

Working for Pauwels Consulting

I was looking for a new challenge and to take on a consultancy role, since the variety and opportunities it held out really appealed to me. I came across some vacancies with Pauwels Consulting on LinkedIn and was put in contact with a Talent Acquisition Specialist. Things went well right from the get-go. We clicked personally, and she got straight down to business. The conversation quickly moved to individual clients and projects. With other companies I had contacted, all consultants started out sitting on the bench – meaning you didn’t get a project – and then you got training. At Pauwels Consulting, they find a project that suits you, and you can always sign up for training courses on your own initiative.

Being a consultant is double the fun

The work/life balance is much better compared to my previous job. Everyone works hard there, but we stick to a stable work schedule. For example, we can select our own overtime hours, and priorities within the team are taken into account. Secondly, I am able to participate in different team activities run by the client. They’re happy to share their activities budget with the consultants, treating us like permanent employees. This only enhances the atmosphere and allows you to settle in faster. Not only that, Pauwels Consulting organizes its own varied teambuilding activities, such as after-work drinks, breakfast with customers, a New Year’s party, etc.!


I’m looking forward to see what the rest of my career will bring, but I don’t know exactly where it will take me. I deliberately chose a job where I could get to know different companies and roles in an accelerated way. This is because I believe in taking as many opportunities as you can when they present themselves. That way I can keep on learning and be proud of what I’ve achieved: that’s my goal. So, I’m actually ambitious on a personal level, rather than aiming for a particular job title.

Become a consultant at Pauwels Consulting

Contribute to ground breaking projects of major players in Life Sciences. Challenge yourself!

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Maxime van Belle Content Marketeer


Pauwels Consulting is a Best Workplace in 2024

20 Mar 2024

Pauwels Consulting is in the top three Best Workplaces in the Extra Large Organisations category! We achieved second place among top companies striving for an ever-improving workplace where everyone feels at home and where there is room to excel. What does this mean for us, our employees and our customers?

Pauwels Consulting ontving de award van Best Workplace in de categorie extra grote bedrijven.
Pauwels Consulting is a Best Workplace 2024 in the category extra large companies

What does Best Workplace mean?

The ‘Best Workplace in Belgium’ award is awarded to organisations that excel in creating a positive working environment for their employees. This recognition is awarded based on various criteria, including employee surveys, culture, working conditions, leadership, and other factors that contribute to employee well-being and satisfaction.

A work environment to be proud of

For us, this recognition is not only a prestigious title, but also a confirmation of our efforts to provide an excellent working environment. It means that our employees can enjoy a working environment where trust, pride and fun are central. This not only has a positive impact on their well-being, but also on their performance and engagement.

Great Place to Work 2024

Earlier this year, we were named Great Place to Work in the Large Organisations category for the third year in a row. We are extremely proud of this title, particularly because we are actively working on improving our organisational culture on a continual basis. By regularly collecting feedback and listening to our employees, we can continue to grow and develop as an employer. This enables us not only to satisfy our current workforce, but also to remain attractive to future talent.

What does Great Place to Work mean?

The title is the result of a positive review by research and consultancy firm Great Place to Work. In Belgium, the organisation chose to collaborate with Vlerick Business School. This is where the researchers can be found who analyse our results and report back to us with a clear overview of the outcomes.

Pauwels Consulting prepares the survey itself by conducting an extensive culture audit based on predefined questions. This audit is carried out by the internal Great Place to Work team, consisting of employees from different teams with a lot of experience. The topics we cover in the audit include our characteristics as an employer, our approach to creating a unique work environment, our strategy and philosophy, and how we maximise the potential of all our employees. All services, the aspects we are proud of, and what sets us apart from other companies are also covered.

The second part of the survey involves the Trust Index Survey, a standardised questionnaire that Great Place to Work provides to all our employees. This measures the level of pride, trust and satisfaction within our organisation. This structured approach gives our employees the opportunity to share suggestions and feedback anonymously, contributing to a culture of transparency and continuous improvement.

Pauwels Consulting is a Best Workplace

How do you become a Best Workplace? We achieved a highly positive result in our culture audit and Trust Index Survey as part of Great Place to Work, ranking in the top ten of all participating companies in the Extra Large Organisations category. This meant we received an automatic nomination for the title Best Workplace.

And the verdict came in last week – we were ranked second in the Extra Large Organisations category for Best Workplace in Belgium! We are extremely honoured to be among great companies such as Bank van Breda (first place) and Torfs (third place).

Specifically, this means that our score in the Great Place to Work survey came second among all companies in our category.

Always learning

The Great Place to Work and Best Workplace labels help us to stand out in the market as a great place to work. They are a sign of quality that build trust with both our current and future colleagues and customers. We are therefore determined to continue to earn this recognition and to maintain and strengthen our position as one of the best workplaces in Belgium.

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Maxime van Belle Content Marketeer


Ambassadors bring the spirit of Pauwels Consulting to its clients

05 Mar 2024

Pauwels Consulting is known for its high-quality approach in the world of consultancy, as well as for its personal touch where human connections are key. Our ambassadors play a crucial role in cementing this reputation. Who are the ambassadors of Pauwels Consulting? And what does it mean to be an ambassador, exactly? In this blog article, we tell you all about ambassadors, their role and their impact on our company culture.

Our ambassadors received an award at the annual Pauwels Consulting New Year's Party for going the extra mile and creating valuable connections.

A need for stronger connections

The world of consulting can be a revolving door of new faces when it comes to carrying out projects on clients’ premises. We wanted to create a more personal approach for the consultants, which is how the idea of appointing ambassadors came about in 2019. The rapid growth of Pauwels Consulting also meant that we needed other ways to provide new colleagues with a warm, personal onboarding experience.

In addition, we became more aware of the separation between the daily life of the consultants on site at our clients and their connection with Pauwels Consulting. How could we better communicate our values and DNA? Ambassadors serve as essential links between the on-site work, the company and our core values, enabling us to establish a stronger connection with the consultants.

As the first point of contact, I'm ready to support my fellow consultants. I also organise a monthly on-site lunch, so I can ask the participants how their project is going and how they feel.

A personalised, on-site approach

We asked several consultants with a proactive mindset who embody the values of Pauwels Consulting whether they wanted to become ambassadors. They were duly appointed as the point of contact for all consultants who work as consultants through Pauwels Consulting.

Céline Van Puymbrouck, L&D Coordinator and the driving force behind this concept, explains: “We wanted to offer new employees a warm, personal onboarding experience  at the client’s premises as required  while appointing an ambassador who fully embodies our Pauwels DNA.”

What do our ambassadors do?

Ambassadors at Pauwels Consulting play a unique role. This role is not specifically defined; it varies based on their own level of motivation and commitment.

What do they do, exactly? The ambassadors are the point of contact for the Pauwels colleagues who work for the same client. They facilitate the smooth flow of information, for example by relaying onboarding information from the client, informing others of standard conduct on the shop floor, or simply showing consultants around all the buildings. For larger groups, such as those in the pharmaceutical industry, ambassadors regularly organise events and dinners to reinforce team spirit.

They also build bridges between Talent Managers, consultants and clients, helping to identify any issues and, on occasion, find business opportunities.

“Ambassadors are clients’ eyes and ears for talent managers.” Melina Uyttebroeck, Talent ManagerOur Talent Managers are committed to regular personal contact with each consultant. In addition to regular follow-ups and their involvement in evaluations, Talent Managers are always available to consultants who want to request training, coaching or mentoring.

Well-being among consultants

An ambassador’s role can also be more in-depth. For example, they can have a significant impact when it comes to mental health. As a point of contact on the same site, they tend to notice more quickly when something is going on within the team. Listening to each other and offering support makes a real difference to the well-being of the consultants.

As Charlotte Bryssinck, an ambassador at a leading pharmaceutical company, makes clear: “As the first point of contact, I’m ready to support my fellow consultants. I also organise a monthly on-site lunch, so I can ask the participants how their project is going and how they feel. This enables you to respond quickly and pass on any issues to the relevant person in good time or even help solve them yourself.”

In short, ambassadors are closely involved in cultivating a healthy company culture and are invaluable at maintaining the human touch within our growing organisation.

What makes a good ambassador?

What makes someone a good ambassador at Pauwels Consulting? It goes beyond having professional skills. A good ambassador is very sociable, acts as the default ‘go-to person’, opens up easily, is willing to listen, and can connect well with people.

“If there’s something on your mind and you want to discuss it with someone, the person you picture doing that is a good ambassador.” Melina Uyttebroeck, Talent Manager

The ambassador’s method

Ambassadors support our consultants in their own way. Valentin and Toon are good examples of what it is our ambassadors are doing.

Valentin Jacobs is an IT security consultant and our ambassador at a multinational pharmaceutical company. He has arranged for the creation of a web page where new consultants can find all the information they need about working with the client. This includes practical details, policies, parking information, lunch arrangements and more. This results in a warm welcome for newcomers, ensuring they settle quickly in a large company environment.

Toon Budeners, who works as a Digital Engineer consultant and is an ambassador at a leading company in the pharmaceutical industry, reveals his commitment to our onboarding approach: “I try to help with onboarding when needed. […] From the moment someone starts working with the client, I try to build and maintain a sense of the ‘Pauwels Consulting Family’. […] It is important to feel part of the Pauwels family, more than being part of the client’s family though both are important, of course.”

Other ambassadors have also created Teams groups and email groups for their fellow consultants who are working for the same client. This makes it easy for them to organise meetings or lunches and keep in constant contact with each other. This also fosters cameraderie between colleagues and allows them to organise after-work sessions or simply chill out with each other.

Ambassadors have an impact on the company

The ambassadors contribute to Pauwels Consulting in other ways, too, providing valuable input that we can use to improve things internally. We regularly organise meetings where they share their ideas on all manner of topics. These workshops are important because they allow ambassadors to talk directly to management. This, in turn, enables us at Pauwels Consulting to look at what could be improved and understand how we can grow thanks to the feedback from the ambassadors.

These workshops have led us to identify around fifty action points, with roughly five per department. This really shows how much impact ambassadors have on our policy of continuous improvement at Pauwels Consulting.

Examples of action points 

Thanks to the action points that we established during a meeting with all ambassadors, we now organize two intervisions every year. These are a kind of round table discussions where real cases are brought forward, and the group comes to a solution together. This was an idea that came out of the workshop. At such an intervision, all ambassadors come together with a Talent Manager, who acts as moderator. 

Another example of an action point that has already been realized is that we are now committed to more effective communication with the consultants through social media and a new and more up-to-date intranet. For this, the ambassadors also gave concrete ideas about what information is communicated such as company news, information about training options and new employees in the support internal team.

The ambassadors also passed on that there is a lot of interest in the afterwork events and events on-site at the customers. We are now organizing more targeted afterwork events spread across the regions where the Pauwels consultants operate.

Become a consultant at Pauwels Consulting

Contribute to ground breaking projects of major players in IT, Engineering and Life Sciences. Challenge yourself!

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Maxime van Belle Content Marketeer


Consultant Talks: From educator to BIM expert

30 Jan 2024

Pauwels Consulting employs around 1,500 talented consultants in the fields of IT, engineering and life sciences. Today we are sitting with Patthamawan Mijnendonckx, BIM coordinator for a major infrastructure project in Flanders as part of the Oosterweel Link (Oosterweelverbinding). She talks about her career trajectory, the challenges she faces in her job, and her aspirations for the future. Want to know what a consultant’s journey looks like? Read on to find out.

As a consultant, you have the opportunity to learn a lot, grow and experience new contexts. You also have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and expertise you acquire with the customer in projects where you can make a genuine difference.

Social impact

I recently started working on the Oosterweel Link project in Flanders. Part of my role involves looking at how to implement a circular construction process on a large scale. To this end, we are evaluating the service life of certain materials and considering how to use them more than once. This is something I’m greatly interested in, and I don’t shy away from asking what kind of impact architecture and construction have on the environment and society. These are questions we have to keep asking, because we’re designing new environments for the people and the society of tomorrow. Sustainability has been an interest of mine for a long time. It was actually my primary motivation for studying BIM.

Moving towards BIM

I started off studying Educational Sciences before switching to the social sector as a freelancer. Although I was passionate about doing this, my dream was to become an architect. While seeking out training opportunities, I quickly discovered there were far more options than I’d expected. I realised that I wanted to make an impact as part of the construction process, and that’s how I ended up doing the BIM Architectural Drafter course at Syntra. As a BIM coordinator, I can use my social and communication skills alongside the analytical aspect of the job.

What is BIM?

Building Information Management (BIM) consists of all the relevant information required to create and integrate building processes. This ranges from design and execution to facility management. BIM provides a digital overview of all layers of a structure and makes it possible to link different types of information together. It’s now considered an important part of today’s construction industry. BIM professionals play a crucial role in ensuring information flows are complete and efficient. This prevents expensive mistakes from being made during the construction process, reduces design and building errors made in modelling, and facilitates collaboration and the exchange of information between the different disciplines involved.

BIM before, during and after projects

A BIM coordinator should ideally be brought in at the start of a specific phase of a project, as this enables the BIM protocols to be drawn up in a timely manner and the execution plans and appendices with BIM agreements to be collected.

BIM can also be used to simulate the purchase of parts or how maintenance should be planned. In other words, it’s important not only within the context of design and execution, but also for efficient facility management. It’s a method that covers the entire life cycle of a building.

The consultant at the heart of the project

As a BIM coordinator, you need to be at home in all markets and have a thorough understanding of civil engineering, construction processes and BIM processes (software, standards, etc.). I use all the tools applied within a project: Civil 3D, Navisworks, Madaster, Relatics, ACC, ArcGIS, Bricsys, AGACAD, Connections, PowerBI, Archicad, Dalux and the associated add-ins. This varies from project to project and from phase to phase.

I also work with a wide range of stakeholders on a daily basis. Engineers, site managers, architects, facility managers, the client – in essence, the entire chain of the process is involved. BIM serves as the project’s data source, basically. We build up the data, check what is included in the model and look into how this data can be used. We then verify whether it corresponds to the agreements made and who is responsible for each component.

Building up experience quickly

Even before I started working at Pauwels Consulting, I was always learning a lot, and this gave me a great deal of relevant experience after completing my BIM studies. For example, I worked at a company that provided BIM consultancy, research and development services for customers, and then joined a contractor that wanted to consolidate its focus on BIM applications. After that I spent time with a scale-up that designed, produced and managed the life cycle of sustainable prefabricated homes. So you could say that I’ve gained in-depth experience in different contexts involving BIM applications.

Strong agreements and efficient communication

I found that every project came with its own challenges. Every context is unique and there are always many variables due to the structure or environment. And, of course, I worked with other stakeholders on every project. BIM also means making proper agreements, such as who needs to share what information at what time in order to optimise collaboration and facilitate the transfer of information. Efficient communication and transparency are essential in this regard. It’s also my job to make reference to the agreements made. Although BIM is a relatively new way of working, I believe in the future and the importance of collaboration by sharing information, expertise and knowledge.

A dream project at Pauwels Consulting

After hopping between jobs, I realised my hunger for new projects had not yet been met. I now had a nice bag of skills and tricks and was ready to take on a new challenge. When I got in touch with Pauwels Consulting, the communication went very smoothly. The Talent Acquisition Specialist and Account Manager with whom I spoke were very open and transparent about my opportunities.

I soon had something concrete lined up: I had the chance to work on the Oosterweel Link project. One of my goals for some time had been to work on a project that made my neighbourhood greener, more sustainable and more liveable – and to do so at a company where I could still learn a lot.

Outlook for the future

This is the most large-scale infrastructure project I’ve ever worked on. I am very invested in it because it has a direct impact on where I actually live. As a consultant, you have the opportunity to learn a lot, grow and experience new contexts. You also have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and expertise you acquire with the customer in projects where you can make a genuine difference. I truly appreciate this, and I’m already looking forward to what my career at Pauwels Consulting will bring next!

Become a consultant at Pauwels Consulting

Contribute to ground breaking projects of major players in IT, Engineering and Life Sciences. Challenge yourself!

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Maxime van Belle Content Marketeer


Interview: Pauwels Consulting’s Bold Leap into Space with ATG Europe

21 Jan 2024

Pauwels Consulting’s strategic acquisition of a majority stake into ATG Europe marks a significant development in the industry. Joining the conversation are Bert Pauwels, CEO of Pauwels Consulting, Roger Lemmens, COO of Pauwels Consulting, Gian Carlo Coletta, CEO of ATG Europe, Massimiliano Mazza, COO of ATG Europe, and Alberto Donadoni, Chief Commercial Officer at ATG Europe. Their collective insights offer a deep dive into the synergies, vision, and shared values behind this transformative business move.

Who is ATG Europe?

Gian Carlo Coletta, CEO of ATG Europe:

“ATG Europe stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence in the aerospace and big science sectors. From our modest beginnings in 1969, we’ve grown into a formidable force in the industry. Our focus has always been on pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, a pursuit that has seen us leading the charge in value-added engineering consultancy, services and solutions in thermo elastics, composite structures, and other cutting-edge areas.”

Bert Pauwels, what was the driving factor behind adding an aerospace-focused company like ATG Europe to Pauwels Consulting?

Bert Pauwels, CEO Pauwels Consulting:

“This acquisition of a majority stake aligns with Pauwels Consulting’s long-term vision. We began 24 years ago focusing on IT consultancy and rapidly expanded into Life Sciences and Engineering. Venturing into the Space industry is a natural progression for us. We always consider what added value our specialists can bring to the market, and we’ve already established successful relationships in IT, Engineering, and Life Sciences. My discussions with ATG Europe’s management have sparked numerous strategic ideas for better supporting our customers.

Risk mitigation is crucial in our volatile economy, where external factors often impact business segments. By diversifying our solutions and services, we can maintain team cohesion during slower economic times without compromising overall performance. The business world is cyclical, but with smart organization, we can navigate these cycles effectively.”

Gian Carlo Coletta, CEO at ATG Europe, Bert Pauwels, CEO Pauwels Consulting, Alberto Donadoni, CCO at ATG Europe and Roger Lemmens, COO Pauwels Consulting Is space becoming a commodity? We’ve reached a point where rockets are being launched somewhere every day.

Massimiliano Mazza, COO of ATG Europe:

“Firstly, there’s a significant distinction between non-profit organizations like ESA and NASA and their commercial counterparts. ESA’s primary goal is to establish a competitive aerospace ecosystem in Europe on a global scale. A unique aspect of ESA’s mission is ensuring every contributing member state benefits, with contributions leading to investments in local economies and access to extensive technical knowledge and facilities, a foundation laid since ESA’s inception in 1975.

This commitment impacts how we operate. Unlike commercial entities that may prioritize efficiency, our ecosystem focuses on creating hardware components suitable for a broad range of applications. Our specifications are more comprehensive and intricate compared to the more singular focus of commercial projects. For example, in the Ariane project, we collaborate with over 15 countries on component development, which are then transported to launch sites like Kourou. While this approach incurs additional costs, it aligns with ESA’s principle of inclusive space exploration.

This model has also inspired new collaborative methods. For the upcoming ExoMars mission, we have developed a crucial parachute component for the release of the parachute and allows a smooth Mars landing, prompting us to explore innovative collaboration models across Europe. To streamline this process, we’ve invested in the ‘Space Campus Noordwijk Avatar,’ a 3D lab offering VR and AR facilities for all involved parties. This not only facilitates the transition from concept to component but also serves training purposes. Working with ESA’s complex requirements presents unique opportunities for ATG Europe to distinguish itself in the sector.”

Massimiliano Mazza, Chief Operating Officer at ATG Europe

Gian Carlo Coletta, CEO of ATG Europe:

“I also want to emphasize Belgium’s significant role in ESA, despite being a smaller country, illustrates that space exploration isn’t just a commercial commodity. Belgium’s investment in ESA reflects a broader commitment to space science and industry, reinforcing the idea that space exploration transcends mere commercial pursuits. Our consistent contributions position us as a key player in the industry, driven by a belief in the importance and potential of space exploration.”

What is ATG Europe’s strategy for capitalizing on the emerging opportunities in the “cislunar” economy?

Alberto Donadoni, Chief Commercial Officer at ATG Europe:

“Researching “cislunar economy” reveals the potential of utilizing resources and strategic locations between Earth and the Moon for economic gain. The concept of space-based biomanufacturing and pharmaceutical research has transitioned from a mere vision to reality, as we’ve significantly reduced transportation costs. Increasingly, new market entrants seek our solutions and products, operating at a pace that surpasses the public sector and drives innovation rapidly. We envision serving a broad spectrum of clients, from the public sector to commercial space entities, all while maintaining our high standard of quality.

As rocket launches and space technology become more commonplace, a variety of companies are emerging that offer services leveraging this hardware. For example, insurance companies are using satellite data to provide farmers with models to protect their crops and harvests effectively. Similarly, governments are utilizing satellite data for organizing aid and response in the aftermath of major disasters like earthquakes.”

Roger Lemmens, COO Pauwels Consulting, the transition to a solutions-focused approach has been a key topic in this acquisition. How do you see this shift impacting Pauwels Consulting, especially in Life Sciences, Engineering, and IT?

Roger Lemmens, COO Pauwels Consulting:

“The evolution towards a solutions-centric approach marks a significant stride for Pauwels Consulting across all our domains. In Life Sciences, Engineering, and IT, moving beyond offering mere services to providing holistic solutions is transforming how we engage with our clients. For instance, in Life Sciences, our integration with ATG Europe enables us to leverage space-based platforms for advanced pharmaceutical research, providing innovative solutions that were previously unattainable. In Engineering and IT, this shift means we are not just executing projects but also strategically involved in the planning and development phases, ensuring a more integrated and efficient solution for our clients. This holistic approach allows us to address complex challenges in a more cohesive manner, ultimately enhancing the value we deliver to our clients.”

Massimiliano Mazza, can you share any significant upcoming milestones for ATG Europe?

Massimiliano Mazza, COO of ATG Europe:

“In mid-2024, we’re excited about a major milestone where a rocket equipped with our patented ATG technology will be launched. This technology outperforms current standards, as we’ve developed rocket parts that uniquely balance superior thermoelastic properties with minimal mass. The principle is straightforward yet impactful: the lighter the rocket’s structural components, the greater the payload it can carry into space with less fuel. While other companies might produce similar parts, our technology stands out in terms of quality and the extent of weight reduction. This innovation not only reduces costs but also significantly enhances payload capacity. With the ongoing competition for lightweight yet robust components, ATG Europe is proud to be at the forefront with this advanced technology.”

How was the initial personal interaction between Pauwels Consulting and ATG Europe? Was there an immediate connection from the beginning?

Bert Pauwels, CEO Pauwels Consulting:

From the very first meeting, there was an undeniable sense of magic in the air. For me, successful partnerships go beyond just numbers; they’re rooted in what I like to term as an ‘inter-human click.’ This is about aligning on deeper company values that extend far beyond mere words on a website’.

Alberto Donadoni, Chief Commercial Officer at ATG Europe:

“In our initial meeting, we engaged in open and constructive dialogue about our values and strategic direction, setting the stage for ATG Europe’s next evolutionary phase. We recognized the need for a paradigm shift as our organization grows. As we approach the milestone of 500 ATG Europe employees, the necessity to enhance our mental approach, support structures, back-office operations, and systems becomes imperative. Partnering with Pauwels Consulting offers a solution. Their experience in scaling and developing business strategies presented us with an opportunity to leverage new tools and insights for business development.

Aligning with Bert Pauwels on what he said earlier on risk mitigation strategies, we acknowledge our focus on public procurement, contrasting with Pauwels Consulting’s strength in B2B sectors. This partnership brings an essential element of diversification to ATG Europe, especially crucial as we navigate the commercialization of space exploration. Our commitment to maintaining quality in the public sector remains steadfast even as we expand into new markets.

Many organizations struggle to adapt quickly when merging, but with Pauwels Consulting, we found a partner that understands our unique business challenges and is adept at navigating new domains with significant synergistic potential but leaving the freedom to operate autonomously. Their ability to comprehend and integrate into areas unfamiliar to them, yet ripe with opportunity, has been a key factor in the successful blending of our two companies.”

Massimiliano Mazza, how do you view the less apparent synergies between ATG Europe and Pauwels Consulting, beyond the obvious ones?

Massimiliano Mazza, COO of ATG Europe:

“It’s essential to look beyond the obvious when considering synergies. Our approach, shared with Pauwels Consulting, focuses on harnessing existing potential while preserving each company’s unique culture. We need to adapt, certainly, but not by imposing forced changes.

ATG Europe’s growth is a testament to our robust business model, which I believe adds significant value to the Pauwels Consulting . The real synergy lies in understanding how our business models can complement each other. Many mergers fail because they don’t prioritize customer interest. Our goal is to communicate to our customers the benefits of this collaboration, ensuring that it positively impacts their business, rather than just telling a compelling story.”

What are ATG Europe’s thoughts on the concept of “business synergy” and “people synergy”?

Gian Carlo Coletta, CEO of ATG Europe:

“At its core, the union of our two companies allows Pauwels Consulting to immediately step into the realms of space and big science. However, the fundamental catalyst for this alliance was our strong initial rapport with Bert Pauwels. His vision and profound respect for people resonate closely with our values. Frankly speaking, our greatest asset is our people. Unlike selling cars or constructing buildings, our business thrives on the expertise of our team, which adds significant value to our customers.

This mutual respect for our teams was a key factor in deciding to join forces with Pauwels Consulting. The next step is to nurture this shared principle and develop a unified strategy that prioritizes the interests of our customers.”

Massimiliano Mazza, COO of ATG Europe:

“From our initial meeting with the Pauwels team, it became evident that Pauwels Consulting’s strengths in bio medics, pharmaceuticals, and life sciences align well with ATG Europe’s capabilities. A key area for collaboration is the innovative testing of medicines, where traditional Earth-based lab tests have limitations. ATG Europe’s access to the International Space Station (ISS) for zero-gravity experiments offers a unique opportunity to enhance pharmaceutical research. This partnership is more than theoretical; it’s a practical step towards revolutionizing medical treatment testing.

Additionally, Pauwels Consulting’s expertise in civil engineering and project management complements our emerging role in the fusion energy sector. With the development of fusion reaction plants, Pauwels Consulting’s long-standing civil engineering knowledge becomes invaluable. This synergy excites us as we explore and combine our skills and solutions to benefit our customers.”

And how does the Pauwels Consulting perceive the synergies between Pharma and Space, especially in the context of this acquisition?

Roger Lemmens, COO Pauwels Consulting:

 “The synergies between Pharma and Space are particularly exciting and innovative. With ATG Europe’s expertise in space technologies and our strong background in Pharma, we are positioned to explore ground breaking opportunities in pharmaceutical research and development. The microgravity environment of space offers a unique platform for drug development and testing, potentially leading to more effective treatments. These synergies allow us to push the boundaries of what’s possible in medical science, offering new solutions to age-old problems. The combination of ATG Europe’s space capabilities with our extensive experience in Pharma creates a powerful platform for innovation, setting the stage for ground breaking advancements in healthcare.”

Is it accurate to say that the space aviation industry is transitioning from providing services to offering comprehensive solutions?

Massimiliano Mazza, COO of ATG Europe:

“Absolutely, our shift towards providing complete project solutions has been a strategic focus in response to market demands. ATG Europe specializes in delivering cutting-edge space composites, encompassing everything from engineering to production. Our involvement often begins early in the project cycle, particularly in structural and thermal engineering, a testament to the trust we’ve earned over the years. Our comprehensive capabilities allow us to perform thorough assessments and audits, enhancing our clients’ return on investment.”

Bert Pauwels, CEO Pauwels Consulting:

“Pauwels Consulting is aligning with these market changes, transitioning from offering basic services to all-encompassing solutions. This shift is particularly significant in the Life Sciences sector, where we’re expanding our expertise. Integrating our knowledge in Life Sciences with our skills in Engineering and IT enables us to not only meet but surpass client expectations. Our cross-disciplinary approach allows us to deliver diverse, effective solutions, providing clients with comprehensive and efficient services. Partnering with ATG Europe strengthens our commitment to adding value throughout the project lifecycle, from conception to completion.”

What about ATG Europe’s approach in sectors beyond space, like Big Science, and your leadership in areas like Thermo Elastics and Composite Structures?

Gian Carlo Coletta, CEO of ATG Europe:

“Our unique market position is largely thanks to our in-house team, capable of handling entire projects from start to finish, not just offering consultancy. This dual capability in providing top-tier consultancy to ESA and F4E and advanced engineering skills sets us apart. Our long-term investment in this area is our best validation. One of our management team’s proudest achievements is successfully combining consultancy and project execution, breaking down barriers between these divisions for a more cohesive approach to serving our clients. This strategy offers real added value, moving beyond theoretical models to practical, impactful solutions.”

How do ATG Europe attract all that high quality people?

Alberto Donadoni, Chief Commercial Officer at ATG Europe:

“Space and Big Science are very appealing for young people, a lot of them are mechanical engineers who are more interested in building a rocket ship than a road. And I say this without scolding the wonderful Pauwels Consulting Engineering colleagues who are doing a remarkable job at so many landmark constructions site as bridges and tunnels all over Europe. It’s just that we reach that small percentage of engineers who dream to get their work to space and nuclear fusion.

Our Dutch office is near the TU Delft, the biggest pool of talent in space science and engineering. We have a strong collaboration with them feeding a continuous flow of talent that would like to develop its talents. If you’re interested in aerospace and structures than we’re number one on many students list of dream company to work for. We’re also in the sweet spot where our company is big enough to matter to our customers but offer each of our colleagues enough impact on the projects and consultancy we offer. None of them is a single element, they are all aware that it’s the combination of individual talents that brings us to the next level.”

The current management of ATG Europe stays in the driver seat and step into the new partnership, how important is this for you Roger?

Roger Lemmens, COO Pauwels Consulting:

“The decision to retain the current leadership team of ATG Europe in our partnership with Pauwels Consulting is a momentous one. It demonstrates our unwavering confidence in their capabilities and in the collective prowess of the ATG Europe team. This decision goes beyond being a strategic business move; it is a heartfelt acknowledgment of the human factor that is integral to our success.

Leaders such as Gian Carlo, Massimiliano, and Alberto possess an intimate understanding of the unique strengths, work culture, and challenges specific to ATG Europe. Their leadership has played a pivotal role in the company’s accomplishments and resilience.

By keeping this leadership team at the helm, we are reaffirming our dedication to preserving the values, practices, and culture that have been firmly established at ATG Europe. This is vital to ensure that the distinctive qualities of ATG Europe not only endure but also continue to guide the trajectory of our shared future.

This approach is a tribute to what sets ATG Europe apart, all the while exploring new avenues for growth and progress through the combined resources and strengths of Pauwels Consulting.”

Gian Carlo Coletta, how would you describe the company culture at ATG Europe?

Gian Carlo Coletta, CEO of ATG Europe:

“I can say without patting ourselves on the back that we have an excellent company culture: friendly, open driven by a flat organisation. We do work hard but the never forget to celebrate birthdays and successes. My door is literally always open, and I have the habit to jump into offices to feel the temperature and learn what they are working on.”

Which brings us to company values, it seems that the “Shoot for the moon” value of Pauwels Consulting already paved the path to this deal but does ATG Europe recognizes themselves in the Pauwels Consulting values?

Alberto Donadoni, Chief Commercial Officer at ATG Europe:

“Absolutely, there’s another Pauwels’ Value that aligns perfectly with our company’s culture, and that’s “challenge the status quo.” Every step we’ve taken to elevate ATG Europe has been rooted in thinking outside the box. It all starts with identifying the customer’s pain points, comparing them to their constraints, gaining a deep understanding, and then presenting solutions that check all the boxes. The pace of progress has evolved rapidly, and our ability to adapt swiftly is ingrained in our DNA.

Now, let’s talk about the “We are a strong family” value of Pauwels. We boast an exceptionally outspoken and brilliant group of employees who can’t be easily fooled, and transparency is the cornerstone of our interactions. We treat people with fairness, just like in any close-knit family, but we go the extra mile by encouraging them to face daily challenges head-on. It’s the strong bond among ATG colleagues that empowers them to excel in an increasingly complex environment day in and day out.”

Bert Pauwels, could you comment on the importance of having Andera Partners on your side as a new investment partner?

Bert Pauwels, CEO Pauwels Consulting:

“The involvement of Andera Partners is a significant milestone for Pauwels Consulting. Their investment and support are pivotal in our strategy to accelerate the growth and development of our group. Andera Partners brings not only financial backing but also strategic insights and a network that enhances our capabilities. Their belief in our vision and commitment to our growth is a testament to the potential they see in Pauwels Consulting. This partnership is instrumental as we integrate ATG Europe and expand our reach, allowing us to venture into new markets and domains with confidence and a strengthened foundation.”

To conclude, there is a Latin saying going back 2000 years: “per aspera ad astra” which translated means “through hardships to the stars,”

Bert Pauwels, CEO Pauwels Consulting:

“That’s very applicable to how you build a business. Just like the journey to the stars is not without its challenges, the path to building a successful company is paved with obstacles and learning experiences. Every difficulty we encounter and overcome fortifies our resolve and enhances our capabilities. At Pauwels Consulting and ATG Europe, we embrace these challenges, knowing that they shape us into a more resilient and innovative organization, better equipped to serve our clients and achieve our goals. This philosophy has been integral to our growth and success, guiding us as we expand our services and expertise, particularly in the dynamic fields of Life Sciences, Engineering, and IT.”

Gian Carlo Coletta, CEO of ATG Europe:

“And remember, in the universe of Space and Big Science, the sky’s not the limit – it’s just the beginning!”

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