Pauwels people

From Site Inspector to Project Manager – Danny Germanus

27 Feb 2020
In our series 'Pauwels people' we talk with our consultants about life as a consultant, working for Pauwels Consulting and our clients. Today, we talk to Danny Germanus, Project Manager at Omexom Hochspannung GmbH in Germany. Danny is a passionate engineer with a lot of experience at home and abroad!

Danny, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Hi, I’m Danny Germanus, Project Manager at Pauwels Consulting. After my education in electricity & mathematics, I worked as a site manager for an installer of electrical installations for six years. This installer was specialized in placing lighting for large lighting projects. Later on, I worked as a project site manager for the same installer. At the time, I mainly worked on the biggest lighting projects where we installed medium voltage cabins to provide SME’s with a power supply and a general low voltage board.

Have you always worked for the same company?

No, in between these functions, I worked for another company for about 5 years as a technical service manager, responsible for the technical department. I was in charge of the preventive maintenance of all machines to avoid any production halts. Just before I joined Pauwels Consulting, I also took on a job as project manager for an installation company.

When and where did you come into contact with Pauwels Consulting?

I have been working for Pauwels Consulting since January 2011. A recruitment consultant contacted me about a vacancy as site manager at TUC Rail for the railway project 25N, also known as the ‘Diabolo project’. They wanted to build a direct train connection between Mechelen and Brussels Airport.

When I started the project, I had no experience in the railway industry. So, I insisted on starting as a site supervisor, rather than as a site manager. This allowed me to gain experience with the way of working and the procedures within the railway industry. My experience as a project manager truly helped me a lot.

Can you tell us a bit more about the Diabolo project?

Diabolo projectFor me, the Diabolo project was my first experience with catenary for train traffic of the NMBS/SNCB. At the time, several important civil works were already completed, such as the tunnels that were situated below the airport, the bed on the central reservation of the E19 motorway between Mechelen and Brussels and the railway bridge of the central reservation towards the train station of Mechelen. This was an important connection in which the station below the airport wasn’t necessarily a stopover station anymore, but where traffic could pass continuously.


After 8 months you got promoted from site supervisor to site manager and construction manager. That is quite a progression!

Indeed, after 8 months as a site supervisor, I was appointed as a replacement site manager. Later on, due to unforeseen circumstances during the Diabolo project, the construction manager couldn’t carry out his function anymore. So, I took on his responsibilities as well. I must say, I learned a lot during this project! For example, as a site supervisor I not only had to supervise the yard, but I was also in charge of all the work carried out by our contractors.

I also learned some valuable lessons as a construction manager. When I had just started, the Diabolo project was in the homologation phase. Additional tests and measurements on the catenaries were needed to finish the railway connection and put it into operation. I also got the opportunity to work on this, which was fantastic!

What do you like about these kinds of projects?

The client mostly takes an organization approach. A project is started, executed and finished. Most assignments lead to new projects and this offers growth opportunities.

So, there is plenty of perspective for the future. Collaboration with colleagues is mostly very good, you can always ask anyone for information.

Where did you start working after the Diabolo project?

In May 2012, I started as a site manager on the project that provides the new connection between the left and right banks in the port of Antwerp. This connection is now known as the ‘Liefkenshoek railway link’. Normally, this assignment would’ve lasted until 2016.

However, my employer was very urgently looking for an overhead line construction manager for the new line 50E, Brussels – Ghent. So, I took on the challenge of working as a High Voltage consultant on the GEN project between Anderlecht & Ternat. After this, a new world opened its doors for me, not high voltage as I had always known it, but the ‘real deal’: high voltage lines of 70, 150 and 380 kV.

I applied for a job at Omexom Belgium and was soon able to start as a site manager. As a result of my good language skills, I was seconded by Omexom Belgium to Omexom Hochspannung GmbH, Germany. They were assigned an important project in Belgium and I was given the opportunity to work as a site manager on the construction of a new compact 380 kV line. This was primarily for mast construction with French & Italian speaking colleagues. Later on, for the installation of conductors, I collaborated with German colleagues.

What convinced you to take the plunge into Germany?

DanAfter another follow-up project and interim experience with German teams in support of the execution of a project for Omexom France, I got a taste of projects abroad. After completing a renovation project in Belgium, it was clear that I did not shy away from foreign projects.

Because secondment via Omexom Belgium to Germany proved itself quite difficult at the time, I chose to contact Jan Fyens, Business Unit Director Engineering at Pauwels Consulting. We had kept in touch all those years, so I checked if it could be a possibility via Pauwels Consulting. With the help of Jan & Bernd, Talent Manager, I could soon start my German adventure!

Are you -to date- satisfied with your German experience?

Definitely, I’ve been a Project Manager for a little over a year now and although it’s not always easy as an outsider to integrate yourself into the world of the ‘Lignards’ (high voltage cable works), I have a very positive feeling. I am looking forward to the period to come!

If you could sum up your Pauwels Consulting career in 3 words, which would it be?

I could summarize my total career at Pauwels Consulting with the words team spirit, dynamic and competence. At the moment, I can express my  current feeling as ‘back home’.

Do you have any tips for future colleagues?

At every step in my career, I could count on a good collaboration with colleagues. Mutual respect and open, clear & transparent communication are important assets or skills. Not everyone is equally accessible to new colleagues.

I find it important that as a starting consultant, you show sufficient respect for the team you work for. This way, you can obtain a clear exchange of information. It works smoother, more constructive and above all, more pleasant!

What ambitions do you hold for the future?

Initially, I still wanted to do something within the offshore industry, for example working on a drilling platform or with wind energy but I think I’ll stay put for the time being. I have familiarized myself very well with this Lignard world and I quite like it ?!

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Pauwels people

Working as a Project Manager Labs: Joeri Vercammen

15 Jan 2020
In our series ‘Pauwels People’, our colleagues introduce themselves and their projects. Today, we are going to get acquainted with Joeri Vercammen, Senior Life Sciences Consultant at Pauwels Consulting.

Joeri joined Pauwels Consulting in 2015 and he has just finished an interesting project at Genzyme. In this interview, Joeri talks about this project and he shares some good advice for consultants who are looking for an interesting job.

Joeri, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Joeri: Of course! I am Joeri Vercammen. I am 41 years old, married and I have two children: Noah and Brynn.

“I am an entrepreneur at heart. I am very passionate and I love swiftness and flexibility.”

What do you do in your spare time?

Joeri: I like to spend the little spare time I have with my family. I also try to stay in shape by exercising regularly. In the gym, for example.

Where and what did you study?

Joeri: I studied chemistry at Ghent University and. In 2002, I graduated as a doctor. My specialty was chromatography / mass spectrometry.

Great! And what did you do after college?

Joeri: After my studies, I worked as an operational manager at an environmental laboratory for 6 years. Since then, I have been working as a freelance consultant with a specific focus on lab management challenges.

What kind of ‘lab management challenges’ are we talking about specifically?

Joeri: Well, I am responsible for the ‘rationalization’ or improvement of measurement procedures by means of a clever combination of existing equipment and new techniques. I also determine the right balance between throughput optimization (lean) and quality assurance. In my job, I really need a healthy dose of creativity and perseverance to find the right solutions to many challenges, but that’s what keeps the job interesting of course.

Why do you prefer working as a freelancer?

Joeri: I am an entrepreneur at heart. I am very passionate and I love swiftness and flexibility. I really don’t like the inertia or sluggishness that are often characteristic of larger companies.

What are the main advantages of a freelance job?

Joeri: I love the freedom to choose interesting projects and develop opportunities. I enjoy getting in touch with different kinds of people, building my own network, and creating new opportunities on my own within that network.

Are there any disadvantages as well?

Joeri: Yes, there are. I don’t like the uncertainty. You never know for sure whether you will succeed in the long run or not, which results in extra pressure. The best thing you can do to cope with that pressure is converting it into positive energy, but – of course – that’s always easier said than done.

“In my job, I really need a healthy dose of creativity and perseverance to find the right solutions to many challenges, but that’s what keeps the job interesting of course.”

Which of your previous projects did you like most of all?

Joeri: I’ve already worked on more than 300 projects. So it is rather difficult to pick a favorite. (Laughs). But if I would have to choose, I would opt for a series of projects I’ve done in the context of the new measurement technology ‘SIFT-MS’. This is a revolutionary technology for the analysis of gaseous components, and I have contributed to its commercialization. Thanks to these projects, I also had the opportunity to spend time with the producer in New Zealand (Syft Technologies). Beautiful country!

What were the timelines of your past projects?

Joeri: They varied considerably. I usually manage multiple projects simultaneously and I act as a gatekeeper for the approach and strategy. I also work very closely with dedicated ‘Subject Matter Experts’ in the name of the client.

Can you tell us a bit more about some interesting clients you enjoyed working for?

Joeri: Interscience comes to mind, a supplier of laboratory equipment in the Benelux. At Interscience, I mainly supported feasibility studies and the evaluation of new equipment. SampleQ was an interesting client as well. SampleQ is a supplier of automated sample preparation systems. Thanks to my experience in the field of Lean, I was selected to simplify manual lab processes and translate them into an automated alternative.

How did you get in touch with Pauwels Consulting?

Joeri: To keep abreast of the laboratory market, I’ve been running a query on some job sites for years now. Of course, Pauwels Consulting is very active in that market and regularly offers interesting projects, for their employees as well as for freelancers.
That’s why I decided to contact Pauwels Consulting. I wanted to see what we could do for each other. This led to the first collaboration in 2015.

You have also just completed a great project at Genzyme for Pauwels Consulting. Can you tell us a bit more about this project?

Joeri: Years ago, Genzyme started research activities in the Technology House in Geel. These activities – including the construction of the pilot plant – eventually led to a first active product with FDA approval. In recent years, Genzyme has grown considerably. As a consequence, the Technology House was getting too small to accommodate all research activities in an effective way. Therefore, in 2015, the company announced the construction of a completely new MSAT (Manufacturing Sciences And Technology) lab.

What was the goal of this project?

Joeri: The aim of the project was to develop a relocation plan and coordinate the move of all laboratory instruments in accordance with the specific ‘Quality Assurance’ requirements of GMP and with attention to the complexity of the instruments themselves. In other words, I needed to create a logic in a complex set of instruments – over 800 items – by streamlining requirements.

What were the timelines of this project?

Joeri: The project started on January 4, the move itself took place in April, and the follow-up lasted until May.

Which parties were involved in this project?

Joeri: Let me think… MSAT management, representatives of the various MSAT departments, representatives of QA, validation, calibration, finance and procurement, project managers for the construction of the new lab and a site manager ‘lean’. In addition, we also hired a moving company and instrument suppliers for additional support.

What were your responsibilities during this project?

Joeri: I was responsible for the development of the relocation plan, the consultations with the moving company, the coordination of the move and I was the primary contact for questions about the move as well.

What kind of tasks did you have to perform on a daily basis?

Joeri: In the first few months, I mainly inventoried the various assets and I also mapped the requirements of all the MSAT-related departments. Then I coordinated the move itself.

What results did you achieve?

Joeri: In short? The relocation was successfully completed within the deadline (smiles).

What did you learn during this project?

Joeri: I have learned that planning is important, but your planning should not be too rigid. After all, there will always be some unexpected problems that can only be tackled the moment they present themselves. For example, we had prepared a tentative timetable for the removal of all items. We would move all items in two separate ‘waves’, but – thanks to the motivation and enthusiasm of the MSAT employees – a lot more items were available for relocation during the first wave. We decided to seize that opportunity and move all those items during the first wave, but this resulted in a lack of moving equipment such as containers, pallets, etc.

What were some of the fun aspects of this project?

Joeri: I really liked working with people from different departments. Thanks to our motivated team, everything went smoothly.

What were the less pleasant aspects of the project?

Joeri: There weren’t any, really. Or maybe one: to move some of the items we needed a crane. The night before we would use the crane I did not sleep very well (laughs). But in the end, the crane was installed and used without major problems.

“The Pauwels Consulting network offers many opportunities. I’d say: be open to those opportunities and actively participate in them.”

What are your personal ambitions for the future? What kind of projects would you like to perform next?

Joeri: Everything about the ‘lab world’ – in the broadest sense of the word – fascinates me. I do have a slight preference for top / down projects though. By this I mean projects where I can work on an organizational level, preferably in the field of R&D.

Do you have any tips for new or future colleagues?

Joeri: The Pauwels Consulting network offers many opportunities. I’d say: be open to those opportunities and actively participate in them. The first step – deciding to take a new direction – is usually the hardest, but once it is taken, everything will be all right.

Thanks for sharing this wisdom with us Joeri. And thank you very much for this interview!

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Pauwels people

Working as a Senior Project Engineer: Patrik Ingels

04 Dec 2019
In our series Pauwels People, our colleagues introduce themselves and talk about how they experience working at Pauwels Consulting and with our clients. Today, we are going to get acquainted with Patrik Ingels, Senior Project Engineer at Pauwels Consulting.

Hello Patrik, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Patrik: Of course! My name is Patrik Ingels. I’m 45, married and I have two children, aged 14 and 16.

What do you do in your spare time?

Patrik: Well, in my spare time, I like restoring classic cars. As a child, I was very passionate about cars, especially classic cars. And now I own an old beetle and a Russian sidecar, but I like to help other enthusiasts as well.

What did you study?

Patrik: I studied Electromechanical Engineering at Thomas More in Geel.

Why exactly did you choose these studies?

Patrik: I didn’t know right away what I wanted to study, but I always had had a healthy interest in technology. Eventually, I based my choice on that interest.

What is your professional background?

Patrik: I have been employed at a large pharmaceutical company in Belgium for 20 years. I’ve held several positions in different sectors: manufacturing, engineering, quality assurance, qualification and validation. After that, I started working as a freelancer.

Why do you prefer working as a freelancer?

Patrik: I was looking for a new challenge. Part two of my career, so to speak. (Smiles) I wanted to spread my wings and explore new horizons on my own.

What are the main advantages?

Patrik: As a freelancer, you have a certain freedom and independence. I love that. You can also prevent yourself from getting “absorbed” by one company.

Are there any disadvantages as well?

Patrik: Of course! It’s quite difficult to handle all the extra administration on your own, for example.

How long have you been working as a freelancer?

Patrik: Not that long: since January 1st, 2016. I’m currently working on my first freelance assignment, actually. I had the unique opportunity to participate in a “greenfield project”. Those are still quite rare in Belgium.

How did you get in touch with Pauwels Consulting?

Patrik: I already knew some consultants and freelancers who worked for Pauwels Consulting, and I had heard good things. Eventually, I contacted Pauwels Consulting myself when I decided to start working as a freelancer.

“The executives at Pauwels Consulting are open to comments and suggestions. I think that’s a big plus.”
What was your first impression of the company?

Patrik: I got the impression that Pauwels Consulting is managed by a young team who know what they’re doing. The company also made a very efficient impression.

And does the company still live up to those expectations?

Patrik: They do, actually. The communication is swift and efficient, and projects are followed up closely. The executives at Pauwels Consulting are open to comments and suggestions as well. I think that’s a big plus.

Can you tell us a bit more about your current project?

Patrik: I am currently working as a Senior Project Engineer at a pharmaceutical company. They are building a new factory for the production of polymers, tablets and sterile forms.

What are your responsibilities during this project?

Patrik: I’m responsible for the ‘injectables’: the purchase of equipment, installation, start-up, qualification and validation. At the moment, I am also temporarily responsible for the coordination, qualification and validation of a product that will be launched soon.

What do you find interesting about this project?

Patrik: It’s a job with a lot of variety, and there are few house rules. I like that. There is room for independence and flexibility. Sometimes I help colleagues by doing things that are not really part of my job description, for example. I also like to pursue one goal with a relatively small team.

Do you learn many new things during this project?

Patrik: I do. I learn a great deal every day, especially since it’s my first work experience with hormonal products. And I’ve also improved my French, actually. (Laughs)

What kind of projects would you like to work on in the future?

Patrik: I would like to keep working as a Project Engineer. So keep doing what I’m doing now, I suppose.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? An inspiring wisdom, quote or citation perhaps?

“Keep calm and dig in.”

Patrik: I really like that quote. It suits me.

Thank you very much for this lovely interview, Patrik. I wish you all the best for the future!

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Pauwels people

Working as a QA Project Manager – Soeren Raahauge

04 Dec 2019
In our series ‘Pauwels People’, our colleagues introduce themselves and talk about how they experience working at Pauwels Consulting and with our clients. Today, we are going to get acquainted with Soeren Raahauge, QA Project Manager at a big pharmaceutical company.
Soeren, can you briefly introduce yourself?

Sure, my name is Soeren Raahauge and I am originally from Denmark. I have been living in Belgium since September 2015. Eventually, I decided to move here because my girlfriend lives in Belgium.

What do you do in your spare time?

I like spending time with my girlfriend and friends, working in the garden or going for a run in the countryside.

Lovely! What did you study?

I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Economics and Business Administration, and a Master’s Degree of Science in Supply Chain Management from Copenhagen Business School in Denmark.

Why did you choose these studies?

I have always been interested in management and in the optimization of business processes. Supply Chain Management appealed to me because – at the same time – it has both a high-level perspective as well as a detailed low-level focus.

On a high level, it teaches you how the different parts of the supply chain interact and need to work together to function in an optimal way. On a low level, you learn how to optimize sub-processes in different parts of the supply chain, for example how to optimize production processes via the use of LEAN management tools.

Can you tell us a bit about your professional background or working experience?

After finishing high school, I joined the army where I was appointed sergeant of an armed mortar section. This experience sparked my interest in people and process management. I knew I wanted to continue working in a field that enabled me to grow, improve and gain influence.

After my studies at the Copenhagen Business school, I was fortunate to get a Management Trainee position for 2 years in one of Europe’s biggest textile service companies. In this position, I was responsible for 4 different projects in different parts of the supply chain. That’s how I learned a lot about managing projects and delivering results in a relatively short time span.

After the Management Traineeship, I continued as a Distribution and Production Manager, and later as an internal consultant, optimizing the transportation setups for customer deliveries in Denmark.

The last 2,5 years before moving to Belgium, I had the opportunity to work as a Project Manager in an international pharma company based in Denmark. Here, I was responsible for the global distribution setups.

Thanks to this role, I gained a lot of experience in managing international tenders, conducting audits of existing and future business partners, and securing Good Distribution Practice in global supply chains.

How did you end up at Pauwels Consulting?

After moving to Belgium, I looked for consulting opportunities, and I was approached by one of the recruitment consultants of Pauwels who had seen my CV on the internet.

What was your first impression of Pauwels Consulting?

Very positive. The colleagues are very friendly and knowledgeable at Pauwels. I received offers from other consulting companies as well, but Pauwels was the most professional and efficient in dealing with clients. That’s why I chose to start here.

Did your first impression match the reality of everyday business at Pauwels Consulting?

Yes, I am very happy to work as a Pauwels Consulting consultant.

It’s a continuously growing and financially healthy company that looks after its employees.

Pauwels Consulting organizes great events as well. The yearly new year’s party, for example, always has a specific theme. People dress up and have a great time with good food and great music.

Can you tell us a bit more about your current project?

I’m currently working on a 2-year project for a large pharmaceutical company. The project is a follow-up or extension of a previous project that led to the construction of a new European distribution center in Belgium, the optimization of distribution setups, and the implementation of the same Enterprise Resource Planning system in all West European countries.

My project focuses on doing the same for the East European countries: implementing a new ERP system and optimizing the physical distribution setups in all East European countries.

What’s the goal of your current project?

The goal is to ensure that – eventually – all European countries will be using the same ERP system, and that the impacted countries will have optimized their supply chains accordingly in a compliant manner.

What are the eventual benefits of this project?

Implementing the same ERP-system in all European countries results in more transparency and allows for better control of the European supply chains. Before this project, the different countries involved used different IT-systems.

In the future, all countries will be using the same system. This will enable synergies: standardized processes for order handling, better production planning and better quality management via the improved visibility of the products’ state and location in the supply chain, for example.

Using the same IT-system is a great foundation for a more agile and fast-adapting organization. After all, new concepts can be implemented faster across borders using the same system as opposed to using different systems.

What are your responsibilities during this project?

I am the Workstream Lead for Quality, which means that I am responsible for ensuring good implementation of all quality-related activities in the project.

I also function as a link between the local quality people affected by the project and the project team, making sure that any local risks are met in the proper way from a project perspective, and that all quality-related project objectives are met through the involvement of the local teams.

What are the timelines of this project?

The project started in January 2016 and will end in 2018. At the moment, there’s not yet an official final deadline.

“You will receive the best input if the people who are providing it feel that you are genuinely interested in the subject and easily accessible.”
What does a typical workday look like for you?

In the morning, I drive to the office at the European Distribution Center. Because my project is international, I have a lot of conference calls to coordinate the next steps of the project waves with the different stakeholders. I think – on average – I have about 4 conference calls a day.

When I am not in a call, I mostly work on the different follow-up tasks agreed upon in the calls, and on tasks related to moving the projects forward in accordance with the different project plans.

Normally, I also travel 3 to 4 days a month to the different countries involved in the project to meet my contacts face to face and discuss the challenges and next steps for the project.

What do you like about this project?

It is an international project, including a lot of different functions and different countries, so I learn a lot from working with people who have different cultural backgrounds and responsibilities. I also get to travel to countries I otherwise wouldn’t get the chance to visit.

What important lessons have you learned in the past months, during this project?

I have learned that you should never underestimate the power of local health authorities. Even though most of the countries impacted by the project are members of the EU – complying to the same guidelines for Good Distribution Practice – these guidelines aren’t always interpreted in the same way in Eastern Europe and Western Europe.

This means that – if local authorities view the laws differently, or have stricter requirements – it can be difficult to implement the project as planned. So basically, you learn to be flexible and to find the solution that best fits the local context.

Could you give an example of a difference in interpretation between Eastern and Western Europe?

Communicating with the Health Authorities in Eastern Europe is more complicated than communicating with those in Western Europe. In my experience, the Health Authorities are more pragmatic in Western Europe. And if you can prove that your future activities are compliant with EU GDP guidelines, they are OK with your operations in their country.

In Eastern Europe, the health authorities are stricter in their interpretations of Good Distribution Practice. It is more difficult to talk freely and have a pragmatic discussion with them, and they prefer companies working under licenses granted by themselves, rather than working under EU licenses issued by Health Authorities from other EU countries.

What would you like to do after this project? What are your ambitions for the future?

I would like to continue working on projects that are related to either quality or the optimization of supply chain processes.

My main ambition for the future is to continue learning new things and getting better at the things I already know. I hope to be able to participate in projects in which I can grow as a person, both professionally and personally.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? An inspiring wisdom, quote or citation perhaps?

When I think about other project managers I have worked with in the past, the ones getting the best long term results are the ones that have an objective, open and pragmatic mindset and a good sense of distinguishing root causes from side issues.

There’s one particular quote I like from former successful football manager of Manchester United Alex Ferguson, who often said to his players:

“Play the game, not the occasion.”

What he means is that players need to keep their focus on the agreed game plan. They shouldn’t be negatively influenced or too impressed by the circumstances surrounding the game they are about to play.

Ferguson’s quote reminds me of the importance of having a plan I can stick to, even if different stakeholders want to influence the outcome of the project in other directions.

If you are not mindful of this aspect of Project Management, and if you are not able to stick to your initial plan, you may end up with a solution that is only good for the minority of the stakeholders, not for the majority.

So – as I see it – the plan you create is key to getting success with projects. And the best advice I can give when creating a new plan for a project is to stay humble and open to the different inputs you receive. After all, the quality of your plan depends on the quality of the input you receive from the different stakeholders. This input forms the basis of your analysis and plan creation.

That’s why people skills are very important. You will receive the best input if the people who are providing it feel that you are genuinely interested in the subject and easily accessible. If you have a good relationship with the different stakeholders involved, they will also contact you again with follow-up information, and – in turn – they will be accessible should you ever need any help in the future.

When I receive the input I need to start my analysis, I try to process it as objectively as possible. This way, I know that my plan will not be biased and that I will be able to stick to it in the future, even if different stakeholders try to change my focus or the outcome of the project.

That’s great advice, Soeren! Thank you very much for this lovely interview. I wish you all the best for the future!

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Pauwels people

Working as Engineering Consultant: Luc Marivoet

12 Nov 2019
At Pauwels Consulting, we are continually looking for motivated consultants who are in a position to bring our clients’ projects to a successful conclusion. As a result, we interview lots of candidates and regularly take on interesting new colleagues. In our series ‘People of Pauwels Consulting’, our colleagues introduce themselves and talk about how they experience working at Pauwels Consulting and with our clients. Today, we are going to get acquainted with Luc Marivoet, Senior Engineering Consultant at Pauwels Consulting. Luc joined Pauwels Consulting in January 2013.

Luc, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Luc: I completed my studies as a technical engineer at the campus in Boom in 1986. Following my education, I worked at Massive (later Philips Consumer Luminaries) for almost twenty-one years. I started as a Mechanic Engineer, progressed to Quality Test Engineer and rounded off my career as Quality Control Manager and Auditor. In the meantime, I also worked for a while as Quality Manager and Assistant Technical Manager for another lighting company.

“I’m still not tired of travelling.”

Have you ever worked in other countries during your career?

Luc: During my career in the lighting sector I often had to travel to other countries for inspections and quality audits. I met my wife during one of those business trips. I travelled to China in 2008. I went to look for work so I could be closer to her, which is how I came to work at Daqo NKT Cables. I worked there for a year as Operations Manager in the railway industry.

And then you came back to Belgium?

Luc: Indeed. We wanted to start a family. Furthermore, my job as Operations Manager in China had finished. The decision to return to Belgium was therefore made fairly quickly. When I came back to Belgium I was able to start as Quality Manager straight away. I did that job for three years and after that, I was ready for something new again.

Did you get in touch with Pauwels Consulting then?

Luc: That’s right. Pauwels Consulting contacted me because of my CV, which I had put on a jobsite. They were looking for a Quality Officer for the Signalling Projects department within the organisation that manages the Belgian rail network’s infrastructure. This department is responsible for integrating all the signalling equipment projects (for example, signal box concentration, TBL1+, ETCS, etc.) into a cohesive project management structure. The vacancy looked very attractive to me and I started there in January this year.

“I like to work on a project basis and have found my feet at last.”

What does your position entail?

Luc: As ISO Quality Manager in a team of four, I am responsible for setting up, implementing, monitoring and maintaining the ISO 9001 certified quality management system in the Signalling Projects department. I am also responsible for Supplier Quality Assurance (SQA) management.

What do you like so much about the job?

Luc: The variety. On the one hand, I write and define processes, and on the other hand, I perform quality audits internally and at suppliers in other countries: assessing the quality of products and processes. I’m still not tired of travelling.

Do you have any plans for the future?

Luc: I like to work on a project basis and I get the feeling that at Infrabel I have found my feet at last. They need the expertise of consultants and there is enough work for years to come. So I hope to be able to stay here for a while. Should Infrabel decide otherwise however, as a consultant, I would be able to face a new challenge somewhere else quite quickly.

“As a Quality Manager you work best according to a step-by-step plan”
Do you have a golden tip for a future colleague?

Luc: Thanks to my experience as a Quality Manager and Auditor, I have learnt to use an analytical and structured approach, with a good balance of pragmatism, ambition and customer sense. Don’t discard structures and procedures entirely. The best way is to work according to a step-by-step plan. Observe, analyse and improve, taking other people’s expertise into account. You’re never too old to learn and in a team environment you often come up with a better solution.

Thanks for sharing this wisdom with us Luc. And thank you very much for this interview!

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Pauwels people

Working as a Supply Chain Manager – Ann Claus

08 Nov 2019
In our series ‘Pauwels People’, our colleagues introduce themselves and talk about how they experience working at Pauwels Consulting and with our clients. Today, we are going to get acquainted with Ann Claus, Supply Chain Manager at Pauwels Consulting.

Hello Ann, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Ann: Sure! I’m Ann Claus, born just before the eighties (laughs) and mother of a nice family with two children. Sepp is eleven years old and Sam is 9 years old.

What do you do in your spare time?

Ann: In my spare time, I exercise a lot: Pilates, BBB and running. Doing some muscle toning exercises and going for a run in the woods… I love it!

What did you study?

Ann: I graduated in 2002 as Master of Business Economics at the Thomas More College in Antwerp.

After that, I also followed some additional trainings – APICS and PMP – to speak the same language and jargon as other supply chain and project management professionals. That’s really useful when I work on projects.

Why did you choose these studies?

Ann: The Master of Business Economics – very similar to The Master of Applied Economic Sciences – offers a broad training. You learn how to read company balance sheets, you get to know the different types of organizations, you get an introduction to legislation, etc. In short: you learn a lot of different perspectives to tackle interdisciplinary problems / issues.

What is your professional background?

Ann: I have about 10 years of work experience in various parts of the supply chain. I have worked in the food and pharmaceutical industry, mainly in international environments. Thanks to my first work experience in procurement and production planning, I got my first project: the construction and equipping of a warehouse.

Then, I took part in an operational excellence program. During this program, the following three questions were very important: (1) What causes the biggest losses within our supply chain? (2) At what cost? and (3) How can we improve the situation through tools such as a value stream map?

These experiences, combined with an executive position within manufacturing, gave me the know-how to tackle major change projects within the pharmaceutical industry. Product portfolios that need to be sold and phased out (divestment), for example, or the opposite: existing processes that need to be modified in order to include new products (integration).

“If you don’t climb the mountain, you can’t see the view.”

How did you get in touch with Pauwels Consulting?

Ann: I got in touch with Pauwels Consulting in 2015. An interesting job led to a pleasant exploratory conversation, this conversation quickly led to a new project, and voila! (Laughs)

What was your first impression of the company?

Ann: Pauwels Consulting struck me as a correct and transparent company. There’s also a healthy drive to offer something valuable to all parties.

Does the company still live up to those expectations / impressions?

Ann: Absolutely! In the future, I hope to continue my cooperation with Pauwels Consulting in the same way.

Can you tell us a bit more about your current project?

Ann: I currently work at GSK Biologicals in Wavre. GSK recently bought the vaccine component of Novartis. I am part of the project team that will integrate the Novartis vaccines in the GSK processes, without impacting the patient.

What is the goal of the project?

Ann: The goal of the project is to integrate the vaccines from Novartis within GSK, country by country. There is more to it than just the shipping of the product to the GSK warehouse. Before the first shipment leaves the manufacturing plant and the GSK warehouse, many other aspects are examined and documented.

Our team focuses on questions such as: Do we have the necessary authorizations from the local authorities to import and to sell? Can we use the same cold chain management solutions within GSK? Does the product have a financial routing?

Do you want to work on projects just like Ann?

What are your responsibilities during this project?

Ann: I build bridges between central and local teams. I also manage and monitor the necessary activities within the supply chain. This way, all countries can manage the new products on their own within a time span of up to six months, and in accordance with the GSK products and procedures.

What are the timelines of this project?

Ann: By the end of 2016, most of the countries will have incorporated the new products in their portfolio.

What do you find interesting about this project?

Ann: For me, the “fun factor” lies in bringing together very different aspects. You have to fit them together like pieces of a puzzle, as quickly as possible. Such a range of product and / or country-specific requirements offers a wide view. It always exposes a certain complexity that requires a solution.

What would you like to do after this project?

Ann: Many things! (Laughs) I would like to focus on change projects: expand the current activities of an organization, integrate a new product or phase out products. In short: I want to work on projects with a clear “fun factor”!

What are your ambitions for the future?

Ann: I want to convince others of the value I can provide by effectively translating strategy into execution. Projects that temporarily support an organization by reducing the transitional period.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

Ann: “If you don’t climb the mountain, you can’t see the view.” I love mountain holidays. You face steep rocky and snowy paths, but once you reach the top, the view is extraordinary. Totally worth the effort! I saw this quote in a mountain village. It applies to myself and to the commitment I have to deliver good results. It’s an attitude I want to pass on to my children as well. (Smiles)

Thank you very much for this lovely interview, Ann. I wish you all the best for the future!

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Pauwels people

Working as a IT Program Manager

27 Oct 2019
In our series ‘Pauwels people’, our colleagues introduce themselves and talk about how they experience working at Pauwels Consulting and with our clients. Today, we are going to get acquainted with Rudi Princen, Senior IT Program Manager.

Hi Rudi. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Rudi: Sure! My name is Rudi Princen. I am 51 years old, married and I have four children.

What do you do in your spare time?

Rudi: Since I work part-time, I have more spare time than most people. That doesn’t mean I’m not busy though. (Smiles) I like to spend quality time with my wife and children. We love to travel, for example, and if the weather is nice in Belgium, we occasionally go on scooter tours through Limburg.

Together with my wife, I also run a spiritual association: Oneness. We regularly organize spiritual sessions or events with interesting local and international speakers. My wife is also a horse coach, so I’m regularly working with horses as well.

What did you study, and where?

Rudi: I graduated as a Translator / Interpreter French – Modern Greek. After that, I got a diploma in Economics and Social Sciences from the University of Bergen as well.

Later, I also obtained a Master in Modern Finance at EHSAL Brussels and a Master in Auditing at the ‘Kamer van Rekenplichtigen’ in Antwerp.

Why did you choose these studies?

Rudi: I have always been fascinated by other languages and cultures. I have lived and worked in Greece for a year, for example. That’s why I wanted to become a Translator / Interpreter.

During my language studies, my interest in economic and financial sciences eventually got the upper hand. I wanted to know more about those fields of study and apply that knowledge later on.

How did you get in touch with Pauwels Consulting, and what was your first impression?

Rudi: I got in touch with Pauwels Consulting – quite recently, actually – through GSK. My first impression? Pauwels Consulting is a large professional organization that is deeply engaged with its clients.

What did you do before joining Pauwels Consulting?

Rudi: I have about 24 years of work experience, mainly as an IT project leader and as an IT program manager, of which 14 years at Accenture.

I have been working in the banking sector for about 7 years, in the public sector – mainly at BPost, the Federal Government and various European institutions – for 11 years and in the industrial sector for 6 years, of which 2 years in the pharmaceutical industry.

I like working with teams on big, innovative or ambitious projects, preferably within a digital context: web or multi-channel applications for transactions with customers, partners and employees.

“I love the responsibility to realize a challenging timeline and scope with a great team.”

Which of your previous projects did you like most of all?

Rudi: I have led many interesting IT projects and programs at Accenture, particularly in the public sector. I learned a lot during those projects.

Some of the most prominent programs I’ve ever managed, were the implementation of the ‘Federaal Portaal’ including the web application for the ‘Kruispuntbank Ondernemingen’, Tax-on-web for the Federal Government, and the implementation of the central Biometric Matching System for the European Commission for VISA applications within the Schengen area.

I’ve been working as a freelancer since 2014. And – as a freelancer – I found the digital transformation program for Doosan very interesting. It was a re-platforming of 32 digital applications, mainly to Salesforce and Hybris as target platforms. The migration program I’m leading now at GSK is also very interesting.

Can you tell us a bit more about your current project at GSK?

Rudi: I’d love to! I am responsible for an ambitious integration and migration program at GSK.

GSK has purchased a large proportion of the vaccines of Novartis. That’s why more than 5,000 people will be moving from Novartis to GSK, as well as a dozen terabytes of data and documentation about those vaccines.

The program includes a dozen projects to migrate this data and documentation from Novartis to GSK applications. Our largest project has gone live recently.

It seems like quite the project! What are the timelines of this project?

Rudi: The bulk of the program will run until the end of this year, but there are still a few projects in the pipeline as well. Those will probably run until 2017.

What do you like about this project?

Rudi: I love the responsibility to realize a challenging timeline and scope with a great team. I also think the specific methodology used to achieve these data migrations is really fascinating. Last but not least: the atmosphere at GSK IT is great!

What are your lessons learned so far?

Rudi: During this project, I have learned an interesting new methodology to migrate data, and – now – I am even more aware of the dangers and risks during large data migrations.

What would you like to do after this project?

Rudi: That is a difficult question. There are many interesting kinds of projects.

Still, innovative and transformational digital projects keep fascinating me: companies and organizations that want to interact more effectively with their customers and partners through innovative web or mobile applications.

What are your ambitions for the future?

Rudi: My ambitions are rather contradictory, actually. (Laughs) I want to manage interesting programs as an interim manager or executive. I would also like to grow with Prime Consultants, a network of 34 independent consultants which I’ve formed, if possible in cooperation with Pauwels Consulting.

On a more personal level, I want our spiritual association to reach even more people. I want to make them live more consciously. And I also want to spend more quality time with my wife and family. Do you see the challenge? (Laughs)I do.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? An inspiring quote perhaps?

Rudi: Certainly: Live from your heart. It’s not about the goal, but about the journey together.

Thank you very much for this lovely interview, Rudi. I wish you all the best for the future!

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Pauwels Blog

Consultant in the pharmaceutical industry: an enriching experience

18 Oct 2019
In our series ‘Pauwels People’, our colleagues introduce themselves and talk about their projects and experiences. Today, we are going to get acquainted with Isabelle Gille, consultant in the pharmaceutical sector at Pauwels Consulting.
Isabelle, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Isabelle: Of course! My name is Isabelle Gille. Three and a half years ago, after an atypical career path, I joined the Pauwels Consulting team as a pharmaceutical consultant.

I was able to join the team thanks to my expertise in the field of quality. My expertise covers quality control, quality assurance, management of preventive and remedial actions or non-conformities, training, etc.

What studies did you complete and where did you graduate?

Isabelle: In 1998, I obtained my master’s degree in biology with a six-month placement in Laos. I then undertook three years of doctoral research in cellular and molecular biology.

Interesting! Where have you been working?

Isabelle: I’ve always wanted to work in humanitarian aid. I was able to find my first job as project manager for ‘Louvain Développement’ thanks to this vocation. My next experience was international and took place in Bolivia where I was responsible for the financial and practical aspects of the project.

On my return to Belgium and after one year of research in biology, I was then employed by ‘Direct Dialogue Fundraising’ as a representative for UNICEF. Over two years, I progressed in this organisation: representative, coach and then fundraiser manager for six NGOs, for the Walloon Region.

After this extremely enriching experience, both on a humane and professional level, I wanted to do a trainer’s course. I then worked as a team coach in a call centre for two years.

In 2013, I became self-employed, set up my own company and embarked upon the wonderful learning experience of being a freelancer. In 2014, I returned to the classroom and did a training with ‘Cefochim’ in order to become a production technician in cell culture. I completed my training successfully at the end of December 2014 and in March 2015, I crossed paths with Pauwels Consulting.

Pauwels Consulting is a company in full development, where a family atmosphere remains the priority.

And why did you choose Pauwels Consulting?

Isabelle: Pauwels Consulting is a company in full development, where a family atmosphere remains the priority. I’ve always felt appreciated here. I was warmly welcomed by the internal team: the recruiters, account manager and HR.

My profile allowed them to satisfy a customer and me to enrich my knowledge of the biopharmaceutical industry at the same time. In brief, a win-win situation that I appreciated.

Moreover, the company regularly organises in-house training along with afterworks, an end-of-year meal and a family day.

Pauwels Consulting also invests in sporting challenges and contributes to certain charitable causes.


What projects have you already pursued with Pauwels Consulting?

Isabelle: I worked as an environmental quality assurance technician for a year and I then worked as a quality control technician for a year.

From mid-July 2017, I have been taking part in helping to improve the quality system by investigating non-conformities in a team of around twenty consultants in the north of France. Fifteen months later, my international mission is still ongoing.

“An experience abroad is an added value in the development of my career.”

Does cooperation with your foreign colleagues work well?

Isabelle: Perfectly. I work in an international team of around twenty consultants that is also multidisciplinary and composed of juniors and seniors.

The diversity of the team is enriching on a professional level. The exchange of skills and experience allows us to offer customers a comprehensive service. When professional issues arise, the team can offer the necessary support.

Given that the majority of us live in ‘expatriate’ mode, the group is also a second ‘family’. We share our evenings, our joys. It’s a way of enlarging our network, of making new friends.

So, you find this international experience enriching?

Isabelle: Without a doubt. Firstly, I’ve learned a new profession. Thanks to our customers’ activities, I’ve learned and continue to learn about the production processes for lyophilised therapeutic drugs.

France is a neighbouring country that borders Belgium and working there has allowed me to open up to a new culture, a new region and therefore to grow on a personal level.

Working abroad is an effective means to meet others and to learn from your contact with them.

An experience abroad is an added value in the development of my career and one that has helped me to understand myself better. I better analyse my skills and limits nowadays. I’ve had to step out of my comfort zone.

“Providing the customer with real added value is one of our daily challenges.”

To conclude, what are the qualities that you stress as a consultant?

Isabelle: Having good technical skills is a basic requisite. I must be able to give customers satisfaction and to achieve the expected results. It’s equally important to be flexible and to listen carefully to the need of the customer. As a consultant, I regularly change environment, customer and mission. So, it’s important that I adapt quickly. Thanks to this experience, I’ve learned to be operational within a few days.

In addition, mobility, at least on a regional scale, is often expected even if it is not explicitly requested. When I started off with ‘Pauwels Consulting’, I didn’t imagine that an international opportunity would present itself. For the last fifteen months, I have been offering my skills, expertise and advice to one of our French customers. Providing the customer with real added value is one of our daily challenges. This requires working out his needs in order to offer him the most satisfactory solution.

Moreover, maintaining a good relationship and communication is vital. Integration into the customer’s team is very important. This has to be achieved quickly. Such contact is crucial if we want to continue giving advice and getting certain ideas across, which is not always so easy to achieve for a new, external team member.

Lastly, knowing how to work in a team is essential. We are not there to revolutionise the customer’s ideas. We provide him with specific solutions to the problem he has encountered and we monitor the change.

A beautiful conclusion, Isabelle. Thank you for the interview and here’s wishing you success with your projects!

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Pauwels people

AG Solidarity: a helping hand for children and young adults

11 Oct 2019
Pauwels Consulting realizes that not everybody always has it easy and offers people in need warm-hearted support. We regularly support charitable causes ourselves and can only encourage similar initiatives by our partners and consultants. Recently, colleague Stijn Lenaerts took part in a solidarity initiative for Maison des Enfants Clair Matin SAAE in Ukkel, at the invitation of our partner AG Insurance.

This fantastic initiative deserves some attention! That’s why we spoke briefly with Stijn, who told us more about AG Insurance, its charity projects and the initiative with which he and his colleagues made some underprivileged children in Ukkel very happy.

Stijn, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Stijn: Of course. My name is Stijn Lenaerts. I’ve been married for ten years and I have three daughters aged three, six and nine. I studied applied informatics at the REGA Institute in Leuven, a three-year college course. After finishing my studies, I started working at EDS, helping out with projects for KBC, BNP Fortis and Carlson Wagonlit Travel, among others.

HP took over EDS in 2008, but this did not affect my projects. During the takeover, I carried on working at BNP Fortis, which was then ‘simply’ called Fortis. But HP was facing some challenges and in 2016 I decided it was time to look for work elsewhere. That’s how I ended up at Pauwels Consulting.

What exactly does your current project involve?

Stijn: I work for the AG Insurance printing team, which has five members. We’re responsible for managing documents, so my typical working day consists of business meetings, analyses, development, testing, etc.

Recently, you participated in a charity initiative at the request of AG Insurance. Can you tell us a bit more about this?

Stijn: Certainly. AG Insurance is strongly committed to various charities, partners and associations through ‘AG Solidarity’. More than 170, I believe. Once a year, AG also asks each internal department to help with a charity project, where the idea is to offer actual physical assistance on location.

What kind of charities has AG Insurance been supporting lately?

Stijn: Let me think… AG Solidarity participated in the ‘Back to School with a Smile’ initiative organised by our new partner Goods to Give. With the help of AG Insurance, underprivileged children across the country received more than 800 new school items, including school bags and lunch boxes.

AG Solidarity also worked together with Vzw ’t Eilandje. This non-profit association organises basic services and temporary care and the accommodation team looks for housing solutions and supports home counselling for people who have recently moved. AG helped in the renovation of the association’s day centre.

AG Solidarity also helped renovate the kitchen at Vzw Tronkestik, a guidance home that provides care to twelve children and adolescents aged three to eighteen, and supported the construction of new homes for ASBL Comme chez nous, an association that provides integrated care and counselling for homeless people.

There are also fun initiatives, such as the current table football tournament where each team donates four euro to take part. Another initiative involves buying chocolate Christmas balls. The proceeds go to charities of course.

Which charitable initiatives did you take part in?

Stijn: Personally, I helped with an initiative for Maison des Enfants Clair Matin SAAE in Ukkel. This association offers care and counselling to forty-two children aged three to eighteen who cannot go home. Together with approximately fifty colleagues, we carried out various tasks, including giving the rooms and windows a lick of paint, tidying up the kitchen, removing an old fence, making the garden nice, etc.

We also gave the children 150 Lego, Playmobil and Barbie toys (smiles). I try to support other projects as much as I can too, but in fact, this was the first time that AG invited me to go and help out on location. Every time, AG decides which department works where.

How did this initiative make you feel?

Stijn: It goes without saying that the people who take part in this initiative really have it in their hearts to help others. These colleagues deserve respect. After we’d finished working, we were allowed to meet some of the children who stay at the association. Once you’ve seen all the joy and happiness that a new garden and some Barbie dolls bring, the physical effort of the day is immediately forgotten. You’re also brought down to earth. You realise how luxurious your lifestyle is and how banal your own problems really are.

Are you going to help other charities in the future?

Stijn: Definitely. As I said, this was the first time that AG contacted me, but considering the fantastic initiatives they organise and how much help and joy they bring, I definitely intend to actively support other charities in the future.

That’s great to hear, Stijn, and something we respect immensely. Thank you for this interview and here’s wishing you success with all your projects!

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Pauwels people

Working as a Senior Project Engineer – Kristof Tersago

27 Sep 2019
In our series ‘Pauwels People’, our colleagues introduce themselves and talk about how they experience working at Pauwels Consulting and with our clients. Today, we are going to get acquainted with Kristof Tersago, Senior Project Engineer.

Kristof, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Kristof: Sure! My name is Kristof Tersago. I am 42 years old, happily married and I have a daughter and a son. The four of us live in Sint-Truiden.

What do you do in your spare time?

Kristof: I’m a big fan of board games. 7 years ago I founded a local board games club of which I am still the chairman today. I’m an amateur chef as well. After 6 years of evening classes, I can lose myself in the kitchen for hours. And – in stressful times – I like to go for a run.

What did you study?

Kristof: I graduated in Industrial Engineering at the Group T College in Leuven.

Why did you choose these studies?

Kristof: To me, the training struck a perfect balance between theoretical knowledge and practical applicability. I specifically chose for Group T College because of the additional management courses that were offered, not only for the pleasures of student life. (Laughs)

What is your professional background?

Kristof: I have been working on projects for 20 years now. I started working at a consultancy firm. That’s how I got in touch with several industries. As a project controller and project engineer, I have always had a good overview of the projects and the links and coherence between all the tasks and people in my projects.

After 7 years, I started working as a freelance engineer. At the moment, I mainly focus on projects in the pharmaceutical industry.

“Pauwels Consulting struck me as a team of dedicated people who are open to new ideas and who are actively looking for new ideas.”

Why do you prefer working as a freelancer?
Kristof: At my first consultancy firm, I couldn’t really concentrate on the issues our clients considered most important. As a freelance consultant, I am less dependent on organizational structures. As a result, I can respond more quickly to my clients’ needs.

What are your biggest challenges as a freelance engineer?

Kristof: It’s not easy to be an entrepreneur in Belgium these days. The complex regulations and limited long-term vision make it very risky to follow your own path.

As a freelancer, you also have to make sure your business stays viable, no matter how busy you are at work. That said, to me the benefits of being a freelance consultant still outweigh the drawbacks. I really enjoy my freedom, for example.

Which of your previous projects did you like most?

Kristof: Each project and each client has its own challenges. So It’s quite difficult to choose, actually. I really like big multidisciplinary projects though. They allow for conscious development, new ideas and personal growth for all the members of the team.

A project is almost always carried out in teams. Together, you have a common goal, and everyone is trying to achieve that goal on time and within budget.

That’s why it’s very important to me that there’s a personal connection with all my clients. This relationship of trust makes it possible to fully exploit the role of consultant and truly create value.

How did you get in touch with Pauwels Consulting?

Kristof: Pauwels Consulting contacted me with an interesting offer at a turning point in my career. The project they offered was unique. And not only in Belgium! Luckily, my project at the time was almost finished, so there was room for a nice transition: no one felt left in the lurch.

What was your first impression of Pauwels Consulting?

Kristof: Pauwels Consulting struck me as a team of dedicated people who are open to new ideas and who are actively looking for new ideas. It is an organization that is not stuck in a routine and that really cares about its clients and consultants.

Can you tell us a bit more about your current project?

Kristof: That’s rather difficult because of a confidentiality agreement. What I can say, though, is that I’m currently working on a detailed study on the expansion of a completely new pharmaceutical plant in Belgium.

What are your responsibilities during this project?

Kristof: I am responsible for the translation of the customer’s process requirements into the design and for the development of a complete production environment. I follow up the purchase, design and delivery of the equipment. For the building and its utilities, we work closely together with a consultancy firm.

What are the timelines of this project?

Kristof: If all goes well, we will be ready for commercial production by the end of next year.

What do you like about this project?

Kristof: The total package. The project is not about one machine or one production line, but about a complete production plant!

What did you learn during this project?

Kristof: The project is an interesting refresher of knowledge I have gained about 10 years ago, during a similar project. Some things remain the same, of course, but it’s still interesting to study technological evolutions.

What would you like to do after this project?

Kristof: I want to continue working in the pharmaceutical industry. I’m still fascinated by big projects with many technical challenges.

What are your personal ambitions for the future?

Kristof: My personality perfectly suits the requirements of a project environment. (Smiles) That’s why I would like to continue working in such an environment.

In the future, I would also like to focus on ‘the bigger picture’: I want to be a part of the conceptualization of major projects and draw up site master plans.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? An inspiring wisdom, quote or citation perhaps?

Kristof: Certainly! Personally, I got a huge amount of inspiration from Stephen Covey’s “The 7 habits of highly effective people”. There are many interesting quotes and citations I could mention, but most of them are only effective if they are read and applied as a whole.

That’s why I’ll end with this short wisdom: “Be the change you want to see”. Be in control of your own life and be open to changes.

Thank you very much for this interview, Kristof. I wish you all the best for the future!

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