Pauwels people

Working as a Senior PMO – Siphiwe Ngobeni

10 Sep 2019
In our series ‘Pauwels people’, our colleagues introduce themselves and talk about how they experience working at Pauwels Consulting and with our clients. Today, we are going to get acquainted with Siphiwe Ngobeni, Senior PMO at GSK.

Can you introduce yourself?

Hi, I’m Siphiwe, I was born and raised between Phalaborwa and Johannesburg, South Africa where I studied Information Technology at the University of Johannesburg. I have always been passionate about travelling and exploring different cultures, that’s how I ended up in Belgium.

How did you start your career?

My career started in a Small Mining town in the north of South Africa. I worked for an international mining company in the IT department as a support Specialist. I gradually made my way up the corporate ladder and more by ambition and drive to learn more, I had the opportunity to work with the project management department, and that’s where I found my passion. Over the past ten years, I managed several IT implementations of global infrastructure & application projects. I then later joined another mining company as a PMO Lead and my responsibilities were to establish an IT PMO and roll-out globally. This role gave me exposure to the most critical skills and knowledge about the Project Management industry.

senior pmo siphiwe ngobeniI loved my job, but it felt time to expand my horizons and learn more about the business value chain, and because I had always dreamed of studying abroad, I decided to start an MBA at IéSEG in France. It was an amazing experience, with 26 Nationalities in the program, a wealth of culture and a very fulfilling learning experience for me. I also attempted to learn some French too, which is a never-ending journey for me.

In order to validate my MBA qualification, I had to do an internship, which brought me to Belgium, working at GSK for 6 months. After I graduated in 2018, I decided to stay in Belgium and I sent my resume to several big companies, including Pauwels Consulting. Later in the year, I received a call from Pauwels Consulting with an ideal project at GSK! So, I, of course, jumped at the opportunity.

What kind of project will you be working on?

I will be working as a PMO for the global Quality organization at GSK project and I can’t wait to start my challenge. My responsibilities will include but not be limited to, establishing a Global PMO by implementing standardized processes and governance, Implementation of the Portfolio reporting tool, and overall portfolio continuous improvement

Never lose the desire to learn something new, it adds spice to your life!

What challenges you in this type of job?

Well, in a nutshell, flexibility should become second nature when you work in the project environment.

While you’re preparing to start, I heard you did some volunteer work, could you tell us a bit more about that?

Yes, whilst waiting to start at GSK, I had the opportunity to follow online training of the programs aligned with my personal and career development, as well as volunteer at a charity organization of choice. Volunteering is a unique experience and the fact that I got the opportunity to do so at Pauwels Consulting, makes me feel like I’m really in the right place. The charity I chose is called ‘We serve the city’ and I already volunteered there a couple of times. It’s an organization in Brussels with a team of international volunteers who amongst other projects serve breakfast to refugees in Brussels – Maximiliaan park from 6:30 am to 8 am.

Is voluntary work something you do often?

Yes, it’s something I was brought up with and comes naturally to me. My mother founded a shelter for orphans, and she was also involved in several charity projects. For instance, collecting food from the supermarkets and delivering to the needy. Growing up in this kind of environment stimulated me to volunteer and help when and where I can. In fact, for me, it’s not volunteering, it’s a way of life.

Having been all over the world, do you have some advice for colleagues wanting to travel & work as you?

Travelling through Africa, Europe and North America certainly broadened my outlook and attitude to life. Travelling awarded me the opportunity to learn about different cultures, meet new people and most importantly, it expanded my pallet when it comes to food. When you do travel, take the time to really be in the moment, appreciate and be interested in everything different. You are never too young or old to learn!

Being a proudly South African, I, of course, will end this talk with a fantastic quote by Nelson Mandela: “A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.” – indeed, never lose the desire to learn something new – it adds spice to your life!

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Maxime van Belle Content Marketeer

Pauwels people

Luc Mesmans: a career filled with innovation

09 Aug 2019
In our series 'Pauwels People', we let our employees talk about their projects and achievements. Meet Luc Mesmans, our recently retired colleague that was specialized in electrics & telecom. He completed a solid technical course and saw his line of work change a whole lot. Luc will definitely never become a couch potato because he's still very active as a voluntary nature guide.

Can you introduce yourself?

Sure, I’m Luc Mesmans, 63 years old, happy dad and grandfather :). I’m fascinated by nature and photography and I feel very lucky because I get to combine my two passions as a voluntary nature guide for adults and kids who go on school trips. Besides that, I like to travel with my camper.

How did your career start?

I’ve completed a solid technical course: I actually started as a telephony technician, but I quickly got promoted to sales in telecom & low voltage installations. In addition, I was also responsible for after-sales & spare parts. I’ve done a couple of interim jobs in automatization, facility, and aviation, but also management jobs in automotive and telecom. I ended my career as a consultant project manager in mobile networks, railway, and high voltage.

How did you get in touch with Pauwels Consulting?

I was passively looking for a new opportunity and was contacted by one of your recruiters. He was very friendly and knew what he was talking about, which gave me a good feeling from the start. I applied and had an interview that went very smoothly and professionally. I decided to start the new job as project manager for Pauwels Consulting because consultancy offers many advantages: a variety of projects, a clear duration of projects and a whole lot of new opportunities.

Doing the same job for a long time in the same place with the same routine just isn’t my thing. I tried but I thought, no thanks.

Which projects are you most proud of?

I still remember my very first project like it was yesterday. I was responsible for the roll-out of a new cell phone network for a big telecom company in several provinces in Flanders, which meant that I had to find out where I could place 600 cell phone towers in the course of 5 years. Maintaining good contact with municipalities and the spacial planning department is essential to obtaining your building permits. Negotiations, construction quotes and the follow-up, delivery, and commissioning of these towers. Meanwhile, you need to find a sufficient amount of owners who are willing to rent or sell their land and that want to sign a 15- to 20-year contract. A huge challenge, but I’m very grateful that I was able to participate in this pioneering project and that everybody, also thanks to me, can call and send text messages ;).

At TUC Rail I worked as a railroad signaling project manager in Brussels. I was responsible for lights, barriers, track changes, computerized signal boxes and cabling for our signaling computers. On top of that, I led a team of approximately 12 people, which I loved doing. Such a team is easy to manage, you can easily communicate, pass on information, make the right decisions and get to the core of what’s going wrong. I once was a team leader for 70 to 80 people, which was much more difficult.

After TUC Rail, I returned to my very first passion, telecom. It took me some time to catch up again on what I had missed during those 10 to 15 years of absence, innovation does not stop. For Elia, I had to renovate telecom installations and high voltage stations. Visit all locations, make an inventory of all materials and suggest improvements to modernize. What started as a regional project quickly became much bigger… A beautiful ending to my career.

Also looking for these kinds of challenges?

What challenged you in this type of job?

Variety is fun but it also means you regularly switch functions, work environments or industries… As I said before, innovation never stops. The evolution in electronics, communication, and computers has changed all industries at a rapid pace. This means, you are constantly being pulled out of your comfort zone, which I love but it certainly requires some time to catch up. In the meantime, your employers expect you to perform and achieve good results, but all beginnings are difficult. At such times, you just need to be able to sit down with your client or employer and talk about it.

During my projects, I also came across some ‘rotten apples’. Provided there is a bit of goodwill from both parties, the conflict gets resolved. Still, it’s nice to know that you won’t have to drag the rotten apple along for a long time. Next month, there could be a new adventure waiting for you…

Do you wish to pass on some advice to your colleagues?

Yes of course! Always be yourself and be honest, focus on your objectives and goals but stay humane in your decisions and communication. Everybody goes through a difficult phase in their project, so if you are not doing so great, just talk about it, preferably sooner than later. And always keep in mind, that with a bit of experience and improvisation, all beginnings become easier ;).

Do you have any pointers for Pauwels Consulting?

Just keep going, keep investing in my colleagues and their knowledge and be there for them during the difficult phases.

Do you have plans for your first month of retirement?

For sure, I will continue my voluntary work as a nature guide and I will definitely be mapping out some routes to explore with my camper. And maybe, I’ll reserve some time to chill ;).

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Maxime van Belle Content Marketeer

Pauwels people

Project management: Always look on the bright side

23 Jul 2019
At Pauwels Consulting we have a lot of driven consultants and sometimes, unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to a colleague. André Thys will enjoy his well-deserved retirement after a career of almost 40 years. An ideal reason for André to tell us about his fascinating career in our series 'Pauwels People'.

Can you introduce yourself?
Hi, I am André Thys, married and I have three kids. In my time off, I like to do gardening and walking or biking together with my wife. We, of course, enjoy spontaneous trips and good cuisine as well. I have always enjoyed working and built an excellent career for myself, so now I’m definitely going to enjoy my well-deserved retirement.

How did your career start?
I have an A1 degree in computer science, which is called a bachelor nowadays. I chose computer science because the other options seemed less interesting and it was a very up and coming topic at the time. During classes, we had to learn how to work with punch cards. With the punching machine, you punched holes in these cards. After that, you inserted these cards into a processing computer to transfer information. Computer science was mostly programming and 0’s or 1’s, so I saw it change a whole lot.

My first job was at AVON Cosmetics. After that, I worked at several software companies and then decided to start at a consultancy company. I chose consultancy because of the variety of projects, industries, and clients. A good consultancy firm opens doors for you at interesting clients and helps you grow your knowledge. You tackle different kinds of problems and you get to know various business processes. The bottom line, you learn to do your job better. This way, I quickly climbed up the corporate ladder to become a Project Manager.

How did you come into contact with Pauwels Consulting?
Through the acquisition of PIT Advisors, I started working for Pauwels Consulting. I had already experienced a few acquisitions as an employee, but this transition went smoothly. PIT Advisors organized a dinner for all consultants and Bert Pauwels, where we were introduced to the company and we talked about our future. I immediately had a good feeling about it, and that never changed.

You worked a long time as a Project Manager IT, in what way did the job appeal to you?
I initially ‘stumbled’ into the position of Project Manager IT but it seemed like a great challenge, so I gave it 100%! You need to obtain a helicopter view of the company by talking to key persons within the organization. From that information, you filter the needs and challenges. After that, you translate the needs into a strategy and later on, a well-defined project. Always keep the focus on where change or improvement is needed the most.

For instance, sometimes I started a project and the company had already decided on what needed to be done. However, from my conversations, I understood that such a project would not solve the underlying problem. At that moment, you need to have a sit-down with all parties involved and find common ground.

What are the challenges you face as a Project Manager?
Sometimes, you realize at the start of a project that neither the company nor the employees are ready for change, or management is not sufficiently committed to the project. When departments are directly opposite each other and reproaches are hurled back and forth. At other times, you realize you’re not truly welcome because an employee wanted your job and now that person is thwarting you… Those are tough moments.

You need to find a way to deal with such conflicts and always enter into dialogue with all parties. I find the human aspect of my job fascinating, you learn how to ‘read’ people and you certainly learn how to be a good listener. It felt very satisfying when I could reconcile all visions.

Are you looking for a new challenging job?

What are your best memories?
Late eighties, I worked on my best project at Janssen Pharmaceutica. It only lasted 6 to 7 months, but we accomplished so much in a limited amount of time. We wrote new software for order entry, from scratch. An all-in-one package, fully customized with modules for logistics and invoicing. Everything was communicated in real-time, unlike most programs at the time. Our software optimized the flows between departments and made everything more efficient. I’m very proud of that.

My time at Inbev was also a lot of fun, I worked on projects there for about 20 to 25 years, from exploratory to coordination and implementation, I’ve done it all. Now I think about it, I’m actually quite specialized in IT Project Management at breweries, I also worked on projects at Alken Maes and Skol :).

Do you have any good advice for starters or students that aspire a career in project management?
After many years of experience, I still give this piece of advice: “Always look on the bright side, the glass is always half full”. Bring people together and stimulate interaction, the dynamic will lead to new insights and eventually to acceptance. That’s how you create solutions that make everyone happy.

What is your first week of retirement going to look like?
I haven’t planned anything actually, I’m keeping my schedule open so I can go on nature walks with my wife 🙂

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Maxime van Belle Content Marketeer

Pauwels people

Working as a Records Management Analyst: Tinne Mans

08 Jun 2019
In our series ‘Pauwels People’, new colleagues introduce themselves and talk about their first few months of working at Pauwels Consulting and our clients. Today, we are going to get acquainted with Tinne Mans. Tinne has been working as a Records Management Analyst at Pauwels Consulting for the past 10 months.

Tinne, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Tinne: Of course! My name is Tinne Mans and I have lived in the Campine for thirty years. My great love is horse riding. All that I need to get the weekend off to a flying start is a cowboy hat and a cosy campfire! However, when the summer arrives and the mercury rises, all I need is a beach, some palm trees and a refreshing dip in the water (laughs).

What is your professional background?

Tinne: After graduating as a primary school teacher, I taught for a year in a school. Unfortunately, as a new teacher, I couldn’t find a permanent post immediately. So after a year, I decided to pursue a different career. I got a job as a Packaging Development Reviewer at a pharmaceutical company, where I assessed packaging design.

tinne mans documentation analyst pauwels consultingHow did you end up at Pauwels Consulting?

Tinne: The company I was working for carried out corporate restructuring. So, I found myself looking for a new challenge. While searching online, I came across an interesting vacancy at Pauwels Consulting.

What was your first impression of Pauwels Consulting?

Tinne: I used to think consulting firms only took on people with very specific skills or a certain degree. Even so, I wanted to keep all my options open while I was looking for new work. So I applied to Pauwels Consulting. I was invited to an interview and was pleasantly surprised at the number of opportunities that the recruiter and account manager thought were suitable for me. My first potential assignment didn’t go ahead in the end, but Pauwels Consulting carried on actively searching for another opening for me. That led to my current project.

Where do you work now?

Tinne: I currently work as Records Management Analyst at Janssen Pharmaceutica, where I give advice on all the issues related to archiving. My team trains the company’s employees on saving both hardcopy and electronic documentation in line with applicable retention schedules, laws and company regulations. In addition, my team gives advice on the commissioning and decommissioning of applications used worldwide in J&J.

“My colleagues and manager have been giving me fantastic guidance.”

tinne mans documentation analyst pauwels consultingCan you sum up your experiences over the first few months?

Tinne: I found the first few months very instructive. The work is very varied and there are many subactivities. So it’s impossible to learn everything in one go. My colleagues and manager have been giving me fantastic guidance. Although I don’t see my colleagues at Pauwels Consulting every day, the contact we have runs very smoothly too.

Pauwels Consulting is a major player and growing rapidly, yet they have managed to preserve the personal touch. For example, my account manager pays me regular visits, during which any issues can be discussed immediately. HR matters are also followed closely, which is important for me because the office in Ghent is quite a long way away. Furthermore, Pauwels Consulting really does its best to get everyone together regularly. There are lots of parties, family days, after-work activities, bike rides and other events for colleagues and family alike.

What have you learned in the past months?

Tinne: Lots. As I said, my work includes plenty of subactivities. I already had some experience with the basics of a pharmaceutical company, but I’ve learned all my core tasks on the job. These range from helping prepare retention schedules to protecting business-critical files and from managing archiving processes to conducting internal audits. And every day I learn something new. Pauwels Consulting has even already given me the opportunity to get some extra training.

Is there anything in particular you’d like to share with our readers?

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know it when you find it.”

That is what Steve Jobs once said and the message is clear: find a job you love doing, that will be reflected in the way you do it.

Well said, Tinne. Thank you very much for this interview and all the best of luck with your projects!

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Maxime van Belle Content Marketeer

Pauwels people

Working as a Serialization Project Manager – Thomas Santy

27 May 2019
In our series ‘Pauwels People’, our colleagues introduce themselves and talk about how they experience working at Pauwels Consulting and with our clients. Today, we have with us: Thomas Santy, Serialisation Project Manager.

Thomas, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Thomas: Of course! My name is Thomas Santy. I’m 30 and I live in a small town in Hainaut with my wife and our baby.

What do you do in your spare time?

Thomas: Well, I spend most of my spare time with my wife and daughter. At the moment, I’m also revamping our house, which is quite time-consuming.

What did you study?

Thomas: I have a Master in Business Engineering from the Louvain School of Management, with a specialization in Supply Chain Management. The Louvain School of Management is the international business school of the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) at Louvain-la-Neuve.

Why did you choose to study Business Engineering?

Thomas: I was mainly interested in the wide scope of this academic formation. ‘Business Engineering’ combined technical fields of study like Chemistry or Physics with more soft-skills oriented courses like Management or Political Economy.

What is your professional background?

Thomas: I have been a consultant in the pharmaceutical industry almost since the start of my career, actually. At the moment, I’m mainly focused on managing logistics, operations and supply chain projects.

How did you get in touch with Pauwels Consulting and what was your first impression of the company?

Thomas: Pauwels Consulting offered me a nice project at a time when I was looking for some new and exciting challenges. Needless to say, the company made a good first impression. (smiles)

Can you tell us a bit more about your current project?

Thomas: At the moment, I’m working in the Program Management Office for a multinational pharmaceutical company in Braine-l’Alleud. We have to implement new regulations linked to drug serialization across the whole supply chain of our client.

“Serialization is not just a random number on a box; it’s a complex set of activities impacting the whole supply chain and business.”

What is the goal of this project?

Thomas: Our main goal is to be compliant with all the regulations related to serialization for all the countries receiving drugs from and selling drugs to our client. This has to be done on a tight schedule and in a constantly changing environment.

What are your responsibilities during this project?

Thomas: Our main responsibility at the Program Management Office is to provide the structure, guidelines and controls for all the projects that need to be launched as part of the program.

What do you like about this project?

Thomas: It’s quite challenging. I like that. The environment is changing every day because many countries are still busy creating the regulations as we speak.

Our project also impacts the whole supply chain, so the End-to-End process needs to be analysed and kept under control.

What did you learn during this project?

Thomas: I’ve learned that serialization is not just a random number on a box; it’s a complex set of activities impacting the whole supply chain and business.

What are your personal ambitions for the future? What kind of projects would you like to perform next?

Thomas: Well, I really want to keep learning and growing. In the future, I would like to stay focused on supply chain and operations.

Thank you very much for this lovely interview, Thomas. I wish you all the best for the future!

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Maxime van Belle Content Marketeer

Pauwels people

Working as a consultant: GDP Consultancy

23 Apr 2019
The publication of the new EU Good Distribution Practices (GDP) Guidelines in March 2013 has urged many companies in the pharmaceutical and biotech supply chain to invest in systems and procedures to become and remain compliant with the new GDP as soon as possible.

While most large pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies have their own in-house teams to interpret, implement and follow up on the new GDP guidelines, many smaller companies are still working towards their GDP certification.

Cogezaf is one of these companies. We spoke with Cogezaf’s Managing Director Pascal Bruyr, Quality Officer Marie France Dhondt and GDP expert Lieven Van Landuyt (Pauwels Consulting) to learn how they plan to make and keep Cogezaf compliant with the EU GDP guidelines. “The demand for reliable supplies is high.”

Marie France, thank you for having us here in Gembloux. Can you tell us a little bit more about Cogezaf and its activities?

Certainly! Cogezaf is a wholesaler of pharmaceuticals. We are located in Gembloux between Brussels and Namur. We export pharmaceuticals to the African continent, in particular to Congo.

Why Congo?

Years ago, our Managing Director worked as a volunteer in Congo. He fell in love with the country and he saw huge potential in exporting pharmaceuticals to the country. That’s how Cogezaf was born.

Why is there such a huge potential in Congo?

There are a lot of foreigners in Congo. Many of them work in the mining industry. These people have to take care of their own healthcare and medicines, so the demand for pharmaceutical products and reliable supplies is high.

“We have the largest market share in Congo. We work hard to keep this position.”

What does your supply chain look like?

We get our demands from Congo. We get all the products here in Gembloux and we ship them to Matadi, the main port of Congo. From that point onwards, Getraco, our main partner in Congo, takes care of the goods. Getraco takes the goods from Matadi to Kinshasa. In Kinshasa there’s a large market place for pharmaceutical products. That’s where our clients buy our products.

Which organizations are you selling to?

We are selling pharmaceuticals to hospitals, pharmacies and local distributors. At the moment, we have the largest market share in Congo. We work hard to keep this position and to further expand our business.

Where exactly do you want to expand your business?

At the moment, we do most of our work in Kinshasa, but we plan on expanding our business to the east and to the south. We are particularly focusing on expanding our business to the province of Katanga and its capital, Lubumbashi.

“A GDP certification will be a unique selling proposition in its own right.”

How will you keep your leading position on the market?

We try to maintain our leading position through a mix of focused business development and long-term investments. For example, we currently focus on getting Cogezaf fully compliant with the EU Good Distribution Practices from March 2013.

How will a GDP Certification help you consolidate your position?

A GDP Certification will help us in 2 ways. A few months ago, we were contacted by a large pharmaceutical company to ship their products to Congo. In order to land this partnership though, we need to be fully compliant with the new EU GDP guidelines. An additional benefit of a GDP certification is that most of our competitors in Congo are not yet compliant with the GDP guidelines.

How far are you from getting the GDP certificate?

An external audit a few months ago showed that we still had some work to do. That’s why we decided to invite an external party to help us with the certification. That’s why we turned to Pauwels Consulting. “We got the GDP expert up and running in no time.”

How did you get in touch with Pauwels Consulting?

We found you through your website. We liked the clarity of your website, the professional presentation of your company and the fact that you have an office in Switzerland, the country where one of our largest pharmaceutical partners resides. And, we were also looking for a multidisciplinary team that can help us now and in the future. Woking with an external partner is an investment for sure, but we expect a good return on investment.

How much time did it take to find a GDP expert?

That must have been one month at most, mostly because I was traveling a lot at the time. We got a quick response to our initial request and we got Lieven up and running in no time. “The procedures were not yet organized in a ‘living system’.”

Which brings us to you Lieven. Lieven, can you briefly describe your project here at Cogezaf? Sure. When I came here Cogezaf had just had an external GDP audit. That audit had shown that Cogezaf had a GDP license and a couple of procedures, but these procedures were not yet organized in a ‘living system’. Cogezaf needed to invest in its quality system and the documentation of its validation and qualification procedures.

And that’s what you helped them with?

Exactly. When I came in I first analyzed the results of the audit. I saw 2 main priorities: 1) the quality system had to be rewritten to a clear plan with actions and priorities and 2) all validation and qualification procedures of systems had to be fully documented. There were plenty of procedures available, but only few of them were actually written out on paper.

How did you put your priorities into action?

My first priority was to convince all stakeholders of the importance of GDP compliance. That wasn’t too difficult: Cogezaf was determined to get the GDP certification from day 1. Then, I updated the documentation of the quality system, and the documentation of the most important systems and processes. At the same time, I trained Marie France to look after the company’s compliance with the GDP guidelines.

“GDP compliance is an on-going process.”

Are there any remaining issues with regard to the EU GDP?

Staying compliant with the EU GDP guidelines is an on-going process. We have now covered the basics. The action points from the audit have been taken care of and our progress has been reported to the company that ordered the audit.

Our next priority will be to keep the system ‘alive’ and to further complete and document the qualifications and validations of our infrastructure, materials, processes and transports.

Were you able to accomplish all your initial goals for the project?

I think we have covered 90% of the project goals. There will always be room for improvement, but we needed a pragmatic approach. We had to set our priorities within the boundaries of the EU GDP guidelines and Cogezaf’s business. We’ve certainly covered the basics. Now it’s up to Cogezaf to further complete all the documentation and to look after the implementation of all the procedures. “We consider our relation with Pauwels Consulting as a successful partnership.”

Marie France, the project has now ended. What was your general experience with Pauwels Consulting?

We are very happy overall. The quality and the speed of the work were very good. We consider our relation with Pauwels Consulting as a successful partnership. It’s a win-win situation. We were happy to pay for the excellent service we received. Working with Pauwels Consulting was a very pleasant experience overall.

Would you consider working with Pauwels Consulting again in the future?

Yes we would. We seriously consider hiring experts from Pauwels Consulting again. In particular, for future GDP audits. A little self-inspection has never hurt anyone (laughs).

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Maxime van Belle Content Marketeer

Pauwels people

Dr Veerle Deblauwe publishes article on patent search

19 Sep 2018
When one of our colleagues does something special, all of us at Pauwels Consulting are proud. Dr Veerle Deblauwe, an expert in patent search, recently published an article following the Search Matters conference in The Hague. So, high time for a chat with this special woman, to find out who she is and what she does. Welcome to the wonderful world of patent search.
Veerle, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Veerle: My name is Veerle Deblauwe. I’ve been researching and analysing patents and other scientific information, something known as patent search, for more than fifteen years. In addition, I’m a member of the Belgian Patent Information User Group and the Werkgroep Octrooien Nederland.

Mainly, my experience has been with patents and scientific research for the polymer chemical industry, the construction industry (such as roof tiles, slates, plasterboard panels and fibre cement cladding) and the pharmaceutical industry. I’ve been working as a consultant at Johnson & Johnson for five years, the last year of which was via Pauwels Consulting.

You must have an extensive academic background, presumably?

Veerle: I studied at the University of Leuven, where I completed both a master’s degree and a doctorate in organic and macromolecular chemistry.

Can you explain to the layman what patent search is?

Veerle: A patent describes an invention in detail and grants the owner the exclusive right to produce and market this invention. In essence, patent search means checking if a patent has already been published for a specific invention.

It’s an important discipline because a patent is only granted for truly new or innovative inventions. With every new product or process, a check also has to be carried out to verify that there is no infringement of existing patents belonging to others. In jargon, this is called a ‘freedom to operate search’.

In addition to a number of other sources, I mainly search in patent literature, the collection of patent documents. That is a major challenge, as you have to know your way around existing databases very well. That’s not a simple job, because they are constantly evolving, and you really have to keep your eye on the ball.

Can you tell us more about your current job?

Veerle: I work permanently for Johnson & Johnson worldwide, for scientists, researchers and patent attorneys. I work in a small team of two, the chemical patent searchers, which only consists of colleague George Chiu from the United States and myself.

It’s very important for us to complete our assignments within deadlines with a critical attitude and scientific curiosity. At the same time, however, we have to be flexible enough to deal with urgent requests that arise in the meantime and need to be handled quickly.

Is it true that an article of yours was published recently?

Veerle: Yes. On 23 to 25 April 2018, the Search Matters conference returned to The Hague. This international conference is organised every year, alternating between The Hague and Munich. It was organised by the European Patent Office, which appointed Sofia Pires of the University of Alicante and me as rapporteurs. The result appeared in the September edition of World Patent Information, a magazine specialising in my field of work.

It was fascinating to be able to attend the conference from this perspective. By the way, I’ll also be attending the Patent Information Conference in Brussels in November, another conference organised by the European Patent Office.

Is it possible to combine these conference visits with your current tasks at Johnson & Johnson?

Veerle: Yes, no problem at all. After all, these conferences are relatively short. At Search Matters, for example, I was only present for two days.

Obviously, I have to check my e-mails in the evening and I have to do a bit of extra work before and afterward. And if I know in advance that something important is coming up, I let the right people know in advance that it will be difficult to contact me.

Great to hear that you can combine all these things, Veerle. Congratulations once again on your publication and thanks for the interesting interview!

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Pauwels people

Koen and Tijs climbed Mont Blanc: the 4,810-metres high ‘roof of Europe’

21 Aug 2018
At Pauwels Consulting, we attach great importance to 'healthy minds in healthy bodies'. Lots of our colleagues are very active when it comes to sport, taking part in activities such as fun running events, cycling events and other physical sports activities, both individually and as part of a team. Recently, our colleagues Koen De Borle, recruitment consultant at Pauwels Consulting, and Tijs Billemon, IT director and business coach, climbed to the summit of Mont Blanc (4,810 metres high to be precise). An incredible achievement!

We chatted with Tijs and Koen about the preparations for this extreme sporting challenge and their experiences during this exciting climb.

koen & tijs climbed mont blanc

Hi Koen, hi Tijs, where did the idea of climbing Mont Blanc come from?

Koen: Mountains have been in our blood for a long time. When we were little, we both went to the Alps with our parents during the summer holidays. We love mountains because of the nature, tranquillity, landscape, hospitality and range of sports opportunities available.

Tijs: That’s very true. When we’re on holiday, we like a bit of action and adventure. Mont Blanc is a popular mountain among alpinists, of course. Justifiably, because it’s such a beautiful environment for mountaineering enthusiasts.

Koen: We came up with the idea of climbing Mont Blanc last summer. We were looking for a new challenge and literally wanted to go higher than we had ever gone before.

We did some research and came across the Dutch Mountain Network and experienced mountain guide Jelle Staleman. They offer guided and organised excursions, both in Europe and beyond. We didn’t take long to take the plunge and decided to register for the Mont Blanc Summit climb.

Nice! Did you already have some climbing experience?

Koen: A few years ago, Tijs and I took part in an Alpine Tour in the Austrian Ötztal. During that five-day trip, we climbed one summit each day, culminating in the Wildspitze, which is the highest summit in Tyrol at 3,774 metres. That is where we acquired extensive experience with mountain life, glacier walking, rock climbing and the most common rope techniques.

Who did you climb Mont Blanc with? Just the two of you or a larger group?

Tijs: We did the expedition as a group of four friends. We’ve known each other for a long time and we also participated in the previous Alpine Tour together, so knew that we could trust each other. Two more Dutch people joined our group via Mountain Network, so there were six of us all together.

“If everything goes well, anyone who wants to could climb that mountain in principle. However, if anything goes wrong, experience and insight are crucial.”

Mont Blanc challenge
How was the guidance during your adventure?

Koen: Well, we explicitly decided to do this climb with expert guidance and later we discovered that we’d made the right decision. The programme consisted of a preparation process, during which we practised ice and rock climbing and glacier walking on the spot.

For the first few days, we were accompanied by two local guides and for the ascent to the summit, we had one on two guidance. In addition to physical and technical preparations, the guides also prepared us psychologically. The thing is, lots of climbers want to reach the summit at all costs, but experienced guides can point out the dangers, special circumstances or dramatic experiences that sometimes make it impossible to reach the top.

For this alone, it’s essential to seek guidance when you take on such a challenge. If everything goes well, anyone who wants to could climb that mountain in principle. However, if anything goes wrong, experience and insight are crucial. If they then decide it’s better not to continue, you should trust them. Or lose your life.

What preparations did you make?

Tijs: Obviously, we left nothing to chance for this expedition. We regularly went on long bike rides or walking exercises in order to improve our basic condition and endurance. A climb of this nature also requires special material, such as specific clothing and shoes for Alpine areas.

The organisation also provided most of the technical equipment: climbing harnesses, helmets, snap hooks, ropes, ice picks and crampons. When selecting material, it’s important to only take what is strictly necessary to climb the mountain. Before you know it, the backpack weighs 8 to 12 kg. The more material and clothing you take with you, the more difficult the climb becomes…

Koen: We also participated in the introductory day in the climbing hall in Nieuwegein (the Netherlands), which was organised by Mountain Network. In addition to practical information and an introduction to other participants, we got to grips with wall and rock climbing. Balance and stability are essential, so one of the things they did was to get us to climb the wall blindfolded. That way you really learn to put your feet carefully and are constantly trying to get in the best position.

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Pauwels people

Diego finished the Al Andalus Ultimate Trail!

20 Jul 2016
Some men get a motorcycle for their 40th birthday, others buy a sports car and others run 230 kilometers under the burning Andalusian sun. We spoke with a man who chose for the last option: Diego De Doncker, Site Inspector at Pauwels Consulting. An incredible story!

Diego, two weeks ago you told us that you would participate in the Al Andalus Ultimate Trail, a 5-day ‘ultrarun’ in Andalusia. Can you briefly tell us again why you set out on this adventure?

Diego: Sure. I didn’t want a typical midlife birthday present for my 40th birthday. That’s why I decided to participate in the Al Andalus Ultimate Trail, a 5-day endurance race of 230 kilometers in Andalusia. It was my goal to explore my limits one more time.

You are back home now. So… How did you experience the Al Andalus Ultimate Trail?

Diego: It was an incredible experience! It was a hard but beautiful trail. I have seen nature at its finest and I have met many wonderful people.

Sounds great Diego. And pretty intense. And if I heard correctly, you even started with an injury?

Diego: That’s right. Three weeks before the start I got an infection in my right knee. As a result, I had to rest until the start of the trail. A few days before the trail I traveled to Andalusia to get accustomed to the heat. Apparently the combination of rest and heat had a positive effect on the injury. I only got into trouble in the fourth stage. After 45 kilometers my knee started to hurt. At that point, I still had 22 kilometers to go, but a painkiller from the medical team has kept me going.

What did a typical day look like?

Diego: Our days started around 6.30 am. There wasn’t any other choice since we had to prepare and eat breakfast with lots of carbohydrates first. After breakfast we started preparing for the race: we filled our Camelbaks and we did some stretching exercises. The trail usually started around 8.30 am or 9.00 am. To my surprise, I was part of the leading group, so I was amongst the last to start every day. After the race we always got water, coke, energy drinks and fruit. And there was always a bucket with ice water to help us recover faster. The day always ended with a great massage, a briefing for the next stage and supper. Most of us were knocked out around 9.30 pm. At that time most of us were sleeping in tents that were way too hot. (laughs)

What was your most difficult moment during the Ultimate trail?

Diego: Day 2! After the 20K mark, I was facing a steep ascent. I had to follow a steep mountain path with the mountain on one side and a ravine on the other. That took a lot of focus and it was not easy in temperatures exceeding 42 degrees and without any water left in my Camelbak.

What kept you going when things got rough?

Diego: With this trail I wanted to explore my limits one more time and I wanted to go above and beyond. So in difficult times, I thought “Well, this is what you can do. Let’s take it up a notch now. Buckle up and keep going!”

What was the hardest part? The physical or mental game?

Diego: Apparently I was well prepared for the trail. I grew stronger every single day. On the first and the second day, I came in 36th, on the third day 33rd, on the fourth day 29th and on the last day 12th. The mental game was more difficult. It is hard to prepare yourself for a heavy stage if you get up with sore legs and blisters on your feet. And during the race, you are on your own because everyone runs at his or her own pace. Since we didn’t cross many villages, there was little distraction during the stages. Quite a challenge!

Have you ever thought of giving up?

Diego: Never! My preparations for the race have taken a considerable amount of time. That was hard for me and my family. Going out in the weekends? Nope, dad has to go out running. A game of football? Nope, dad has to go running and then to the physiotherapist… I just couldn’t give up. That wouldn’t have been fair to myself or my family.

What were you thinking during the different stages of the trail?

Diego: I always ‘clear my head’ when I am running so I didn’t think a lot. (laughs) I had some regrets though that I couldn’t share the beautiful scenery with my family and friends. But I never had the time to think about that for too long. I had to keep moving forward!

What was your best moment during the trail?

Diego: I really got a kick after finishing on ‘the longest day’. That day I ran 67 kilometers. Before that, I had never run more than 44 kilometers in one day, so I was pretty anxious regarding that stage.

What did you think and feel when you crossed the finish line?

Diego: The last stage was my best stage. I came in between and before guys that were way better than me in the previous days. I was particularly proud of the fact that I was still quite OK after 5 hard days. After the finish, I got really emotional.

What will you always remember about this trail?

Diego: There were many different people and nationalities amongst the runners. I ran with construction workers, nurses, top bankers, top engineers (who make skyscrapers in the Middle East), factory workers… At that moment at that place everyone was equal. Everyone had the same goal. Everyone suffered. And everyone helped and comforted each other. A wonderful experience!

Have you already set any new goals?

Diego: No, I haven’t. I think my body will ache for the next few weeks. But I must say that I really liked the experience so I think that I will find a new extreme challenge at some point in time.

Do you have any advice for people who consider taking part in such a ‘crazy’ challenge?

Diego: If you really want to do something like this, choose something that really suits you. And of course, if you really want to go for something, give it your all!

Those are inspiring words, Diego. Thanks for sharing your story with us and all the best of luck with your future challenges and projects!

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Pauwels people

Diego is ready for the Al Andalus Ultimate Trail!

06 Jul 2016
In our series ‘Pauwels People’, our colleagues introduce themselves and talk about how they experience working at Pauwels Consulting. Today, we are going to get acquainted with Diego De Doncker, Site Inspector at Pauwels Consulting. Diego talks about his current project and about the extreme sports challenge he will face in July in honor of his 40th birthday. Curious? Be sure to read on!

Hello Diego, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Diego: Of course! My name is Diego De Doncker. I live in Ruiselede with my wife Ann, my daughter Axelle (12) and my son Jérome (9).

“I will participate in the Al Andalus Ultimate Trail, a 5-day ‘ultrarun’ or ‘ultra-marathon’.”

What is your professional background?

Diego: I studied Engineering. Then I gained experience as a foreman at Christiaens A & J, as a foreman at the ‘High Voltage’ / ‘Low Voltage’ department of Imtech and as a project leader ‘Road Works’ at Norré-Behaegel.

How and when did you get in touch with Pauwels Consulting?

Diego: About 4 years ago, I met Jan Fyens, currently Key Account Director and Parter at Pauwels Consulting. I had a great feeling about the company from the very first moment. Initially, Jan offered me a project at Elia, but eventually I started working on a project at Tuc Rail.

Can you tell us more about your current project?

Diego: Currently, I’m supervising the construction of multi-purpose workplaces and small outbuildings / annexes in Melle. I make sure that everything goes according to plan. I also follow up the different stages of progression.

I heard that your 40th birthday is coming up, and that you will celebrate it in a special way?

Diego: That’s right. I don’t want the go-to midlife birthday present, a motorcycle or something else… (laughs) Instead, I will participate in the Al Andalus Ultimate Trail, a 5-day ‘ultrarun’ or ‘ultra-marathon’.

What exactly is an ‘ultrarun’?

Diego: An ultrarun is an endurance race. In this edition, we will run 230 kilometers through Andalusia between July 11th until July 15th. That means an average of 46 kilometers per day and 7,200 altimeters in total at an average temperature of about 40 degrees.

“I want to explore my limits. That’s my goal.”
Wow, I suppose you are well prepared for this race?

Diego: I lived as a monk for eight months so I hope I am (laughs). That means no alcohol, a healthy diet and plenty of rest. And with ‘plenty of rest’ I mean leaving parties earlier than usual in order to survive a heavy training session the next day.

Why have you decided to participate in this trail?

Diego: I don’t like the idea of working out without a proper goal. It just seems so boring. That’s why I was looking for an extreme event with a friendly atmosphere. I want to explore my limits. That’s my goal.

What are you going to do in the run-up to the event? Pun intended.

Diego: (Laughs) I’m going to take plenty of rest and perform a few short low-intensity training sessions.

When will you leave for Andalusia?

Diego: I will be there two days before the start of the event. This way, I can still have some rest and get used to temperatures of about 40 ° C.

Sounds like a tough challenge, Diego. I’m curious about the outcome of your adventure. Can I contact you after the event to discuss your experiences in Andalusia?

Diego: Absolutely! I’m just as curious as you are! (laughs)

Thanks for the interview Diego. I wish you lots of fun and success in Andalusia and I look forward to hearing about your run soon!

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